In the village, the lights are bright, and the figures are flickering.

A series of low voices rang out in the night sky.

"help me"

"We are so miserable!"

"There are guests again, please come in and take a seat!"

A large group of villagers with a rigid body, feeling the breath of Jiang Che's arrival, immediately rushed towards here.

Jiang Che glanced around. Around the valley, a long cordon had already been drawn, but no one was stationed there. This should also be the place where a strange incident occurred that the empire could not handle temporarily because it was too remote.

in the factory.

It seemed that a huge rolling mill was roaring, making a loud 'dong dong dong'.

Jiang Che could feel that in the gradually darkening sky, in the darkness around him, there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at him, while the villagers in front had strange bodies and stiff movements, like a group of zombies moving towards him. walked over by himself.

Ordinary people, even capable people, face such a scene alone.

I'm afraid I'm already scared to pee.

But Jiang Che didn't seem to see the weirdness around him.

He threw the... odd altar he was carrying on the ground, splashed a circle of smoke and dust, and reached out to touch it: "Strengthen."

"Ding, do you spend 5 energy to strengthen the altar of ghosts and gods?"

With half a million energy used up.

The altar in front of him, visible to the naked eye, was shrouded in a layer of mysterious fluctuations.

After half a minute.

The fluctuation disappeared, and a layer of gray energy was cast on the altar.

The altar of ghosts and gods is special Jiang Che: the masterpiece of ancient Qi practitioners. Through sacrifices, they can call powerful ghosts, and the real soul of the gods will come here, seal them on the altar, and control the power that belongs to the gods! After being strengthened, you can call, Seal a complete god.

"It turns out that this is not a serious altar. The ancestors of our empire are too arrogant. They are thinking about how to trap a god and seal it up to gain the power of the gods."

Jiang Che was completely amazed.

You must know that according to: 797 according to the probe network, and some historical records given by the empire, in the era when the capable people still generally called themselves Qi practitioners, there were no god-level powerhouses among human beings.

But there are already several great national teachers who have shown abilities far beyond the limits of human beings.

It seems now.

I'm afraid this trick was really successful.

Jiang Che couldn't help but admire the old ancestors of that era.

Then he reached out and touched the altar, his mind moved, and a strange wave was... from above the altar, and went out.

It seems that countless people are singing softly, worshipping, and praying for the arrival of a powerful god.

And in some mighty world.

A terrifying giant made up of thunderbolts sitting on the throne of God raised his eyes to the horizon.

The giant listened for a while, and then showed a satisfied expression.

"Five hundred thousand souls, most of them are between heaven and earth, auras, and souls are ranked in the best human race. Such sacrifices are worthy of the gods to show their miracles."

Thunder Giant pointed out.

A split soul followed the call, and he was about to close his eyes to rest his mind, but his body suddenly stagnated, his face showing panic, and a terrifying void ripple directly swallowed the giant.

inside the temple.

Countless, terrifying powerhouses all showed stunned expressions.

"God Throne!"

Chapter [-] Holy Thunder Emperor (First)

Under the silent night sky.

A loud bang exploded.

Crackle!! Blazing lightning.

Cut through the void from the sky and fall into this land.

In the valley, it was like tens of thousands of flash bombs exploded at the same time, and the light of that moment pierced the darkness of thousands of miles.

The thunder crashed down, all absorbed by the altar of ghosts and gods, and sealed.

But even so, the countless evil spirits around have been evaporated into streaks of yin and dissipated into the air.

in the factory.

A woman with evil lines on her face, who was looking at this side with a sinister smile, was stunned.

Damn it, can't you afford to play like this, and it's just like attracting thunder! My mother just sent a few little devils to test the water.

You've made a big deal and you've paid it... so that the ghost dare not act rashly!! This rank evil ghost is about to cry.

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