If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't leave the factory as an earthbound spirit, she would have fled long ago.

Is it someone from the other side?

Those villagers were about two kilometers away.

Reverse: It was just that the surface of the body was scorched black by the lightning.

They were originally ferocious and dashing forward, but stopped abruptly, turned around and ran back, leaving the village behind and struggling to climb up the hillside.


A group of villagers were directly frightened by Jiang Che.

Run very decisively.

And the other side.

Jiang Che's hair was also a bit charred, but fortunately he raised his love hammer in time to block his face, otherwise he might have lost his appearance.

His eyes flickered, staring at the altar.

It seems that this so-called true god is really not worth it... Underestimate! This kind of power made Jiang Che's heart palpitate, and he had already held the Yinglong card in his hand.

And this time.

The entire altar of ghosts and gods was covered by a violent blazing white thunder, and there was a terrifying roar inside, and the voice of the true god came out, which was breathtaking, almost as if it sounded in Jiang Che's heart, and it was going to shatter his heart!" Get out of this seat!"

"I am the Holy Thunder Emperor, the upper true god, and there are countless disciples, you dare to calculate the seat"

"This seat has the mark of the true god. If you want to kill me, you will be infected with karma."

"Thor Gate will turn your bones to ashes!"

The Holy Thunder Emperor roared, and he could feel that the creatures outside were very weak.

I'm afraid he can figure it out for himself.

It's just this weird altar! Very straightforward, seemingly useless threatening words, in fact, this high-ranking god, who has been churning in his mind and has calculated thousands of times, can help himself get out of trouble, the most effective words! Because in front of him around this person.

There are no tyrannical creatures in a radius of ten thousand miles.

Then it means that he is just a little martial artist who has won a lot of treasures.

His own Thunder God Sect has always been known in the world for its brutal killings. If he tells his own tyrannical strength and background, as long as the other party is not a lunatic, he will definitely be afraid of one or two... , ......

And at the same time.

The Holy Thunder Emperor is also using all his strengths, desperately trying to get out, and bombarding this extremely strange altar... Unfortunately, he made a mistake.

Jiang Che had never heard the name Thor Gate at all.

And even if they know it, it seems that no one has a background.

Jiang Che was standing behind him, but in the whole world of mountains and seas, he was a respectable mountain and sea boss.

this background.

Who needs to be afraid of, so Jiang Che sneered after hearing the threat of the other party: "I am a wicked Taoist under the Zong Throne of Longquan, under my Zong King's gate, your mere Thunder God's Gate, what kind of idiot?"

"I am the King of Longquan Zong, who is unparalleled in the heavens and the earth, and has a long history of merits and deeds!"

"You false gods are... The Zombie King ordered me to catch them and play with them."

"What! Dare to treat this god like this!"

Thunder Emperor Shengji was shocked and angry: "I think you have a long idle life. You altar, it's okay to trap other gods, but if you want to keep this god, it's too far behind!"

He directly roared and showed his trump card.

Jiang Che's arrogant attitude angered this god, otherwise he would not have used this huge sacrifice card too soon.

One after another terrifying white thunder, like mercury liquid, flowed out from the corners and crevices of the altar.

A terrifying breath.

Slowly appearing in this world.


"Can you still do it, the system you promised to seal a complete god?"

Jiang Che quickly jumped away a few steps.

I'm a little unsure about the means of this god summoned from another world.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for being very lucky, calling upon an extraordinary deity who is not only powerful, but also has an immortal object in control: Soul Eater Immortal Thunder."

"Just kill it to get the supreme fairy treasure."

Jiang Che: What an excellent egg!! Others are high-level gods, and he was just stunned that I could do it.

The thunder that looked like a liquid was already flowing out from the altar, slowly forming a distorted face, gritted his teeth and shouted a few words: "Evil Daoist! Longquan King! This god remembers you all. !!”

An overwhelming coercion erupted from this figure.

Every time he uttered a word.

It was as if a thunderous sound exploded in Jiang Che's heart.

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