Jiang Che's scalp was numb, and he no longer hesitated: "Use the alien card—"


He spoke halfway.

As soon as he met the blazing white figure in front of him, an angry shout broke out: "When this seat reorganizes its body, I will lead my disciples to level your Longquan Mountain!!"

Then a supreme fairy light burst out.

White lightning.

Thousands of miles away in an instant.

Jiang Che's pupils shrank suddenly, he was really a little unsure about the thunder just now.

"A fairy thing? Once you enter the fairy gate, you are beyond all living beings, and you are indeed the most powerful existence!"

If it is just a god, only the soul is left.

Jiang Che definitely didn't say a word. As soon as the alien card was released, he would go up with a sledgehammer and fuck him.

But that kind of... Xian Lei.

It gives him the feeling that it is extremely dangerous!!! And the most important thing is.

Jiang Che looked at the altar where the thunder continued and the thunder was blazing.

This seems to be a very powerful god.

I have already got his body, Zhao Nuo, Zhao! Soul or something, I will temporarily store it for a few months, and there will always be a chance in the future.

At this time, Jiang Che walked to the altar, reached out and touched it, and suddenly felt an incomparably violent and powerful thunder force, which contained many killer moves.

Of course.

This does not mean that he has god-level strength.

The strength depends on the strength of the user.

With Jiang Che's control power at the peak of the level, at most, a small part of the power in the altar can probably reach the king level.

That is to say.

Use this altar.

Jiang Che's basic strength now.

Directly from the peak of the level, to high.

This is a huge improvement! It's amazing.

When he uses the alien card again, this increase will increase again.

Jiang Che predicts that if he uses a gold card now and cooperates with the altar, he can control the power of demigods beyond the limits of human beings just like some ancestors in ancient times!

Chapter [-]: The Thirty Meter Hammer (Second)

But there is also a bit of trouble.

That is, this altar is too big, and most of the time you can only carry it on your back when fighting... Do you want Jiang Che to shout when he fights?

"Even if I carry the altar of ghosts and gods, and I need to hold the Ice Flame Hammer in one hand, I, Jiang Che, can still be invincible in the world!!"

Although the picture is pretty good.

But the combat effectiveness was a little worse.

Jiang Che read: "Fusion."

"Ding, do you spend 1 energy to fuse the Ice Flame Hammer and the Altar of Ghosts and Gods?"

With one hundred thousand energy spent, the divine light enveloped the two treasures and dispersed after three minutes.

Holding the sledgehammer, there is a very powerful force coming from it.

Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

"I'm afraid it will take [-] tons of force to go down with this hammer!"

"And now, it's not the limit state yet."

"Strengthen the Underworld Thunder Hammer!"

"Ding, do you spend 5 energy to strengthen the Nether Flame Cold Thunder Hammer?"


"Ding, do you spend 2 energy to strengthen..."

The sledgehammer in Jiang Che's hand is getting stronger and stronger, and the dark fires, the blue ice flames, and the blazing thunder on it have all turned into dragons, each exuding a terrifying aura.

"Ding, do you spend 5 energy to strengthen the Nether Flame Cold Thunder Hammer 5"


Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

7 words were spit out, and suddenly the eyes were black.

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