This place is very much like the scene of Liaozhai in a horror movie. Inside the broken tiled house, there are fox demons and ghosts...

A few people are not stupid, they turned their heads and left immediately.

After all, the evil spirit of Yaoshan must be very powerful! But suddenly.

Zhang Zijian pointed to the door: "Look there!"

The two were stunned for a moment, looked over, and immediately widened their eyes.

Inside the door frame, an elixir shone with a faint light.

The light they saw just now was indeed an elixir.

Liu Jie was shocked: "Elixir! This brightness must be at least the second rank."

"After eating this elixir, I'm afraid I can directly break through to the level!"

As soon as this sentence comes out.

The eyes of the three of them lit up.

When they came here, what they were most looking forward to was, of course, finding a suitable elixir, breaking through to the peak, and stepping into the realm of a big boss.

That can be said to be a step to the sky, and the net worth jumped directly to ten million levels, or even higher.

But Wang Pengfei, a former programmer who was in his [-]s and had some fat, hesitated.

"There's obviously something wrong with this place."

"Look, how can a spirit medicine grow well in the house?"

"And it's just right. It grows in the middle of the main room, just so that people outside can see it."

The other two apparently have concerns in this regard as well.

"That's also, obviously there's a problem."

Zhang Zijian nodded: "But the second-grade elixir is worth the risk."

Liu Jie was short of breath, his eyes were red, like a gambler: "I don't care, this elixir is ready for Lao Tzu!"

His skin gradually changed to a golden color.

Very solid.

Chapter [-] I have liked small animals since I was a child (fourth more)

Fatty Wang Pengfei immediately adjusted his glasses, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes: "It's not right, very wrong, Liu Jie has a problem, he's not usually so impulsive."

"Quick, stop him!"

The fat man shouted, his arm suddenly changed, the muscles of the qiu knot swelled up, and the whole arm turned into an old tree, thicker than an adult's thigh, he grabbed Liu Jie fiercely, and killed him. its hold.

It's not a fat man who is kind and righteous.

Now it is clear that he has encountered a demon.

If your teammates die too quickly, it will be your turn soon! "Pengfei, you are being too cautious, I think."

Zhang Zijian suddenly said faintly: "There is nothing special about this place, it should be very safe, come here, I will take you in, I will not fight with you about this spirit medicine."

Zhang Zijian has a resolute face and looks very tasteful. He is a middle-aged and elderly woman killer.

He chuckled lightly, and his eyes turned into a faint green "seven nine, seven"

stand up.

Wang Pengfei's eyes widened immediately: "So it's you!"

"It's all calculated by you!"

Only then did Wang Pengfei realize that in Zhang Zijian's hands, he had opened a porcelain vase with a talisman attached to it.

At this time, a villain with blood on his face was lying on the head of Liu Jie who was constantly restless.

That's why he lost his mind.

Being entangled by a kid! Wang Pengfei immediately let go... Liu Jie.

I want to step back.

But it's too late.

There was a flash of green light in Zhang Zijian's eyes, and a gust of wind suddenly swept up, knocking the two of them into the air and crashing into the center of the room.

Wang Pengfei's intestines are about to regret.

If he didn't stop Liu Jie, whether he dodged or turned his feet into tree roots and planted firmly on the ground, he would be able to block the gust of wind, but he never expected that this team member would be so ruthless and decisive! Bang Bang! Two beeps .

Wang Pengfei and Liu Jie fell into the main room.

And then.

There doesn't seem to be anything unusual here.

"Is it all an illusion, this place is really safe"

He was stunned.

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