Zhang Zijian outside also seemed to have some doubts.

His original plan was to grab the elixir himself while the two were fighting the monsters here, but now it seems that the script didn't go as he expected.

"Dog thing, I didn't expect it!"

Wang Pengfei cursed, and reached out to grab the elixir.

Zhang Zijian's eyes burst with green light, he hesitated for a while, and his whole body turned into a breeze and rushed over.

He deserves to be a person with the ability of the wind element, and he comes first.

The three of them widened their greedy eyes.

Separated one hand, and firmly grasped at the elixir.

But this time.

Tick ​​tock!! A drop of saliva fell on the elixir.

Some stench and stench.

The three did not respond.

Shit! Liu Jie was pierced by a jagged spider leg in his back.

"Jie Jie!"

"Humans are indeed the stupidest creatures."

The three of them looked up in horror.

Above the eaves, a giant spider with a human face was smiling at them...  

Halfway up the mountain, in the camp.

Six 66 tents.

Sixth-level powerhouse.

The two took turns to watch the night.

Now the night watchman is a strong man with an iron tower, with a giant axe in his hand, the whole person has a fierce aura, like a... lion.

In addition, it is a charming black silk royal sister.

Tang Zi.

It stands to reason that two-level vigils should always be relaxed.

But the two of them looked around cautiously.

The team came two days ago.

Find a hidden place to hang out first.

Unexpectedly, the night before yesterday, a very terrible thing happened.

A teammate went out to the toilet and said that he met an old friend and chatted a few times, could his friend join the team?

Everyone is vigilant, you must know that demons will deceive people, especially fox demons.

Everyone quickly asked him.

I haven't seen this old friend for a long time.

The man thought for a long time before he suddenly said with a pale face.

That old friend is not a person of ability! It is impossible to come to Yaoshan at night and still be so calm.

And woke up early the next morning.

Everyone found out.

That... teammate, we're gone.

Under the eyes of the eighth rank, a rank powerhouse was quietly dragged away.

This kind of monster is really too scary! Last night.

Another person, with the same experience, disappeared mysteriously.

So tonight, although it was nominally two people watching the night, in fact, everyone was full of energy, and in the tent, they didn't fall asleep immediately. "Why are you here?"

"long time no see."

Suddenly a team member's voice sounded.

Everyone felt horrified.

Everyone is here, and I haven't seen any outsiders! Tang Zi's eyes are fast, and he immediately looks at a tent. That is a man who can control iron tools, called Zhou Qiankun. At this moment, in his tent, there is a sound of 0... Tang Zi And the strong man Li Zhaoyang walked over without saying a word.

At the same time, under Tang Zi's feet, a shadow had already touched the... tent.

Can be followed.

The scene in front of her made her expression change drastically.


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