And hear him.

Jiang Che pondered.

Yaoshan did such a thing, even a monk inferred, there is no reason for the empire not to know.

That is to say.

The Demon Mountain is also a place that cannot be completely dealt with for the time being.

"It stands to reason that as long as the three three demon kings are not all eight, nine, or eight, and are close to the old things of God, if they really cross the bottom line, if they say kill, the empire will also kill them, but why don't they dare to do it?"

Fahai's words.

It caused Jiang Che to think.

The empire dared not make a move.

There must be a reason for this.

Jiang Che looked at the large mountain range in front of him, and through the thick fog, he looked at the three huge mountain peaks and beyond.

The bottomless place.

The dense fog blocked almost all vision.

Of that.

I'm afraid there is something out of the ordinary.

"Could it be that the three three demon kings are just things on the bright side, but in the depths of the demon mountain, there are even more terrifying things."

"And these things are not completely hidden from the world, but manipulate some things behind their backs"

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes.

this place.

Sure enough, it's not that simple! "Go."

Jiang Che greeted them, and a few people walked down the mountain.

Knowing that this place is not easy, just keep an eye on it.

In today's world, danger is everywhere.

Jiang Che only saw the news two days ago, the Eagle Sauce Empire, a so-called true god was born, and after a battle with the powerful Imperial Guard, half the state was gone, the casualties were close to [-] million, many people were sitting at home, and knives came from the sky. , slaughtered in minutes.

It can be seen that Gou is not completely safe at home.

The only absolute security is... —— strong.

So Jiang Che stepped into the restricted area all the way, hammering the ghost king, and constantly improving his strength.

Chapter [-] Werewolves, never bow your head (third more)

Several people walked down the hillside, and instantly felt that there were a pair of people around them, and they looked over with fierce eyes.

Fa Hai looked solemn and offered a golden bowl.

Su Xuanxuan sniffed: "Benefactor, a lot of good ingredients are here!"

Fa Hai, Ding Qian: Don't you want to be so cruel! It's a joke to directly define the enemy as ingredients.

Above the plain, in the white mist, one after another dark figures approached. They were huge, like little calves. Scarlet eyes appeared, and they looked at this group of uninvited guests coldly.

When these figures slowly walked out.

Walking into the kilometer range, Fa Hai took a deep breath: "Not good! It's a wolf demon, and its individual strength is not strong, but being besieged in the plains, there is only one dead end, Jiang Shizhu, should you go back to the mountain to take shelter..."

The reason why he paused.

It was because seeing Jiang Che lifted the sledgehammer, his eyes were even more terrifying than those giant wolves.

"You said wolf meat, can you eat it?"

Fahai: Your method of distinguishing monsters is okay.

Edible - not edible.

But now that the boss has spoken.

He didn't speak any more.

Together with Ding Qian, they turned to guard the rear.

The wolf demon did not charge from a distance, but slowly surrounded it from all directions.

Their footsteps were light, their eyes were cold, and Fa Hai and Ding Qian felt chills. These things were indeed top hunters on the plains.

They are proficient in all the techniques of hunting.

There are probably dozens of wolves.

Blocked several people from all directions.

The giant wolf is slow and slow, approaching step by step, bringing huge psychological pressure.

But at the same time, they stand scattered to prevent people from being overwhelmed.

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