These... wolves.

Very cautious.

The size of the wolf king is comparable to an adult buffalo, and its size is very terrifying.

The rest of the wolf shadows are gray-black, with red pupils, while the wolf king has a dark and weird line between his eyebrows. This is an evil one! It looks at the few humans in front of it.

Proud of heart.

Tremble, man! Such is the wisdom of the wolf race.

We will slowly besiege you and torture you.

If you dare to make a move, you will show your back and be mercilessly attacked by wolves.

If you haven't made a move.

Just waiting in fear.

Be drained of mental and physical strength! Even if there are strong among you.

Under our scattered positions, we can kill three or five at most. With only our companions, we can turn around and escape! Humph! This is the wisdom of our wolf clan! "Ouch...!"

The wolf clan leader couldn't help but praised his strategy and roared up to the sky.

And this time.

The prey in front of him suddenly spoke.

"Look down."

The wolf king was stunned for a moment, his wolf face resembling a husky, showing disdain: "Werewolves, never bow your head!"

It sneered.

this human.

too stupid.

But suddenly.

A harsh wind whistled, attracted the attention of the wolf king, he turned his head to look at it, and his limbs were suddenly softened in shock, the dog's eyes... the wolf's eyes widened.

What the hell! What kind of weapon is this! The [-]-meter giant hammer is a joke! The wolf king felt a chill in his heart.

Terrifying discovery.

The current wolf pack.

It happened to be within thirty meters of this group of people.

Puff puff!!! Bang Bang Bang!!! Jiang Che's sledgehammer swept across in a circular arc, and countless demon wolves were hit directly, their internal organs came out, and some were even swept away by the hammer handle After two cuts, the one that happened to be on the hammer head was even worse, and it was directly turned into meat dregs.

The wolf king was also in the middle of an unwilling 'Ouch...'.

Hit by a sledgehammer.

The ice flames on the hammer head froze it, the thunder made its limbs paralyzed, and the dark fire was like maggots on the tarsus... Although the wolf king supported it, it was not directly smashed.

But in an instant.

It became a puddle of ice.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 200 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 800 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 400 energy."


More than sixty giant wolves.

Most are grades and some are grades.

The Wolf King is on the order of [-].

With a total of 22 energies, plus the [-] white snake spirits and the [-] green snake spirits from before, this wave, Jiang Che had just entered the Monster Mountain for a long time, and directly brushed up to [-] energies.

"This place is simply a holy place for leveling up."

Jiang Che's eyes brightened.

it's here.

Compared to him on the death platform, the energy brushing came much faster.

This demon mountain can be said to be full of evil and strange, and red clothes are not as good as dogs. It is no wonder that the empire has been unable to completely solve the hidden dangers in this area.

In such a vast area, there are countless blood-eyed true monsters and big monsters. If they were stimulated and rushed out during the encirclement and suppression process, it would be a huge disaster.

Countless cities and towns around are cool.

"And the more important point is that there are so many levels, levels, and the realm of Yaoshan, I am afraid it is very extraordinary."

Look at the fog in front of you.

Jiang Che suddenly had an idea.

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