It's time to panic.

Of course, it is a must for new people to join.

Several people lit a bonfire, sat around, and briefly introduced each other.

Among the five people, Tang Zi, a shadow-type capable person, was [-], of the order of magnitude.

The last time she went to the death platform, she gained a lot.

Directly from the order of more than [-] to this level.

Li Zhaoyang, a man with a giant axe, is a beast, and can be turned into a lion from a half beast, very violent.

Forty thousand orders.

Zhang Tong, a tall, thin, middle-aged man in his forties, with sharp eyes, upright body, strong breath, and every move was very crisp.

He is an ancient martial artist, and he seems to be following the path of the evil sect 05. He is good at hidden weapons and ruthless tricks.

But people didn't have any particular fear of him.

There is much more than this ferocious ability,.

Bai Tingting, a girl in her twenties, dressed in pink and jeans, full of youth, her ability is a kind of gray mist, she can turn into a giant palm, weapons, etc. to bombard the enemy, with an order of [-].

The last person was a young man in a white shirt and holding a pair of scissors, Zhao Yuan.

He's a paper maker.

The ability is to control paper figures to fight.

Jiang Che saw that there were a few paper figurines scattered in the mountains and forests around them, which should be serving as a warning.

Everyone introduced their abilities at will.

This is the rule of the team.

But in reality, it's just a matter of coping.

No one will really confess to a group of strangers, and what they say is half true and half false.

"Now there is a big problem, we have been entangled by a strange thing!"

Tang Zi said in a deep voice, explaining the situation to Jiang Che and the others.

"On each of these three nights, a teammate was dragged away."

"We've changed two mountains, and we haven't been able to get rid of it. That thing is in the dark, staring at us coldly."

"Brother Jiang, you must pay attention. When you go to bed at night, if someone you know suddenly wakes you up, don't go with him!"

Hear this.

Ding Qian's body stiffened and she was a little scared.

Fa Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

To be able to drag one person after another from an all-level team, this monster is definitely not easy.

And this time.

The sky was also completely dark.

At the far end of the earth, the last shimmer of the sun set, slowly disappearing.

Darkness is like a giant beast.

It invaded from the end of the ground and engulfed the earth.

Those...white auras, thick fog, gradually turned into pitch black, around the bonfire, the shadows of the trees, like mottled monsters, the breeze blew, and the shadows swayed.

Everyone is on guard.

"It's better to go to bed first, otherwise the nerves will collapse for too long, and you will be fooled by that monster instead."

Li Zhaoyang urn said.

Several people nodded.

The monster itself is a fierce beast, and its hunting wisdom has always been very clever.

Jiang Che also opened the tent that had been prepared for a long time.

All take shifts to watch the night.

The first three hours were Zhao Yuan and Zhang Tong.

The bonfire swayed.

In the tent, some people had already fallen asleep, while others were too nervous to fall asleep.

in the forest.

From time to time there are insects and birds, and it is very quiet.

And suddenly.

The two vigils didn't notice at all.

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