Outside Ding Qian's tent, a long black shadow appeared.

The shadow opened the tent door, reached out and patted Ding Qian's forehead, when Ding Qian opened her eyes, she was... a stunned man, standing in front of her, she was stunned for a long time before she recognized it.

"Liang Wenbo"

Ding Qian suddenly felt a little dazed in her head. She couldn't remember a lot of things down the mountain before, but Liang Wenbo was her college classmate. She still remembered this: "Why did you come here?"

"Oh yes, we seem to have stepped into the demon mountain together..."

Ding Qian had doubts on her face: "But I remember, remember... I don't seem to remember something. How did I get up this mountain?"

And this time.

Liang Wenbo opened his mouth: "Ding Qian, have you forgotten, we were attacked by snake spirits at the bottom of the mountain, Yu Cheng and you were both seriously injured, I took you all the way to escape and ran into this mountain, but you Accidentally, he was attacked by a monster and caught."

"I was worried about Yu Cheng's injury, so I settled him first, and then came quietly to save you while it was night."


Speaking, Liang Bo seemed a little nervous, made a silent gesture, and then pointed to the outside of the tent: "Look."

Ding Qian raised her eyes to see it.

The body froze instantly.

She swallowed hard: "How could it be... so many, so many monsters."

"What are they doing with the iron pot boiling water?"


in her eyes.

In the tents, there are some strange shadows, and at first glance, they are not human figures, but monsters such as leopards and pythons, and in the center of several tents, there is a fire with a large iron pot on it. The water was boiling, almost boiling.

Even more terrifying.

There were two hideous monsters sitting beside the fire.

A... lion, with a bloody human thigh in his hand.

A man is tall and thin, but his body and head are like snakes.

He also spits out snake letters from time to time.


Ding Qian's eyes widened: "These...the monsters are so scary, Liang Wenbo, hurry up and leave me alone."

She felt that her legs were weak and it was almost impossible to escape.

And Liang Wenbo shook his head firmly: "Since we came together, we have to go out alive together."

"Go, follow me, be quiet"

"We escape."

He pulled Ding Qian, walked out of the tent, bent down and drilled into the bushes beside him.

And this time.

A thick voice sounded.

"Dare to come to the site of my Lord Heifeng to save people, you kid has eaten the gall of a bear's heart and a leopard!"

this sentence.

Very brutal.

Hearing that Ding Qian, who was still a bit skeptical at first, believed in Liang Wenbo's words even more.

But this time.

A figure with a sledgehammer was already in front of the two of them.

And the rest heard the movement.

They also gathered around.

A trace of blood flashed in 'Liang Wenbo''s eyes, and he looked coldly at the strong man in front of him.

Chapter [-] Cruel Humans (First)

"King Heifeng, why haven't I heard of your monster!"

Liang Wenbo hummed.

Jiang Che smiled disdainfully: "There are so many monsters that you haven't heard of. King Huangmei, King Lion Camel, King Xiong Shan, King Yinjiao, Daxian Yangli, have you heard of so many monsters?"

The other party thought for a while...

It seems to make some sense.

After all, there are so many monsters in the world.

It's impossible for everyone to hear it.

But suddenly... "That's not right!"

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