"Come on, come on, Brother Bear, your nails are too long. I'll trim it for you."

The black bear spirits were stunned.

What are you doing! God trims his nails.

Your nails are trimmed with a kitchen knife! Or a kitchen knife bigger than a wheel!! Poof! A screeching sound.

Jiang Che used a trace of the power to break the world.

Everyone was shocked to see it.

Li Zhaoyang's giant axe could not chop even the slightest black bear skin, and it broke suddenly under this large kitchen knife.

A bear paw was cut off.

"I made a mistake, I made a mistake, please forgive me, Brother Xiong."

Jiang Che shook his head and grabbed the other paw of the black bear: "Brother Lai Xiong, I will fix this paw for you."

The black bear spirit who lost a palm was stunned.

What's wrong with you! Or is it a personal mistake to make mistakes so far! "You play a triumph!"

The black bear spirit shouted.

Without caring about anything else, he turned around and rushed into the forest.

Run away.

Jiang Che, holding the kitchen knife, followed closely behind him: "Brother Xiong, don't rush to run, we're not enough for this....Eat, ahem, I mean we don't talk about five dollars anymore as soon as we hit it off."

The black bear spirit runs faster.

His huge body smashed through the big trees and rushed straight into the dark forest.

And everyone opened their mouths.

Looking at Jiang Che chasing into the forest with dazed faces.

This is what makes them sleepless for a few nights, the vicious, weird monster "Do you know if you can eat? Peel the bear's paw and pickle it. I will catch up with this old friend and come back soon."

in the dark.

A voice came out.

And the black bear spirit heard this.

Tears fell.

I beg you to be a person! Picking my bear paws is so straightforward, I don't have friends like you!... When Jiang Che came back with three bear paws bigger than a wheel, Li Zhaoyang was already carrying his giant With an axe, peel the bear's paw, remove its nails, and then use the cooking wine, pepper, salt, etc. given by Su Xuanxuan... , it's ready to be marinated.

Ding Qian had used her good physical ability to condense all kinds of kitchen utensils, and as soon as Jiang Cheyanshan shook on the ground, a fiery flame rose from the earth.

It didn't take long for the four dishes to be out of the pot, and the aroma was instantly overflowing.

Roasted bear paw, bear paw soup, fried bear paw slices, braised bear paw.

A group of people sat around with bright eyes, and couldn't wait to start eating. As soon as they took a bite, the saliva flowed down the corners of their mouths.

Unparalleled and delicious! This old bear gave Jiang Che [-] energy.

It's a pinnacle of evil.

The meat is nourished by the rich spiritual energy all the year round, and the bear's paw does not stick to the teeth, especially the unique delicious taste of a monster, which makes several people have large bones.

In the dark, some monsters shivered with fear.

Damn it, cruel! You guys are still human, how do you feel that you are more cruel than our monsters! Many monsters see their kin being eaten up.

Can't help but feel sad.

Tears fell from the corners of his mouth.

An angry sound came from his stomach.

Chapter [-] The fourth-grade elixir will come out, and the demon mountain will be in turmoil (second more)

After eating the bear's paw, everyone fell asleep, leaving only Zhao Yuan's six 66 paper figures to watch the night.

In fact, it's all superfluous.

Countless monsters escaped from this mountainside.

Even some monsters did not dare to stay on this mountain and ran to other peaks.

The strongest in this mountain is... the black bear spirit.

Now it has been made into a bear and four to eat.

Of course there won't be monsters, like some brainless texts, shouting to avenge the boss, rushing up and delivering fresh ingredients.

Even if one or two have a deep relationship with the black bear spirit.

For example, a... female brown bear spirit.

When he saw this group of people feasting, his eyes lit up.

Seeing that the pair of big bear paws, which had once soothed every inch of his furry body, fell into these mouths, the flesh was so bouncy, he screamed in fright, and ran away to another place crying. a mountain……

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