the next day.

Early in the morning, the sky was still bright.

Everyone was woken up by a loud shock.

Open the tent and look at the source of the sound, it is a peak in the depths of the cloud and mist, only a little shorter than the three Demon King Peaks.

You can vaguely see that the top of the mountain has a burst of red Shen Xi, which reflects the small half of the sky, and turns 797, and turns into a blue divine light. Before a few people can react, it turns yellow again, like a golden light reflecting the sky. ...this divine light is constantly changing.

Eventually it slowly disappeared.

And all the capable people, monsters, evil spirits, etc., all looked at the sky.

This mysterious scene.

It made many people's eyes widen.

Although they have become capable people, they have seen the power of various strange oranges, but they have only seen this kind of scene in movies.

It was a small half of the sky that was reddened, very much like the scene of the secluded spring blood demon in "Shushan".

"It's that fourth-grade spirit medicine"

"This is the final evolution!"

"According to the organization's news, after noon tomorrow, it will fully mature, and it will be a shopping spree!"

"Go, go to the mountain closer to the elixir!"

Among the mountains and ravines of the Monster Mountain, from some hidden places, there were voices one after another, and groups of people with tyrannical breaths were moving their positions and approaching the luminous mountain.

some of.

The most powerful are the tripartite forces.

One side is a group of more than ten warriors with several ninja knives on their backs. The leader can't see his true face, his breath is restrained, just like an ordinary person, but if you look closely, you will find that when he walks, his feet are off the ground and suspended. Void.

"I will kill the contenders."

The head of the man's mouth did not move, but a voice came out from his body, his voice was hoarse and dry: "You all snatch, the great priest heard the oracle, this time the fourth-grade elixir is extraordinary, whoever takes it will become its Those who take it, become a strong man who is not inferior to me!"

The ability person is not a breakthrough from a small level to a small level in some fantasy novels.

Those who are at the peak, take the medicine, and break through to the realm of the king.

It may be the first section of the king, or it may directly reach the ninth section of the king.

Because the strength of the able-bodied increases, it is not the so-called cultivation, but the awakening! The eyes of all the people in black are fiery.

"Yes, Ninja!"

Although they were excited, their voices were still controlled to a very subtle level.

And the entire team formed a strange formation, making it impossible for the sound to come out.

Even if someone is in front of their team.

And absolutely can't hear what they're saying.

And suddenly.

A fox demon jumped through the trees [-] meters ahead.

The eyes of more than ten people moved in unison, and the movement of moving forward did not slow down, as if nothing had happened.

Available in the team.

The three figures have disappeared without a sound.

And two hundred meters ahead.

That fox demon was just glad that he had escaped the catastrophe when suddenly, six cold rays of light burst out and cut out from the void.

Brush brush brush!!! The fox became a pile of minced meat.

During the whole process, it didn't even make a scream.

This fox has black lines on its face, and it is a big demon.

But unfortunately, those three figures, with their auras shaking, are all at the top!... Another force.

It is extremely rude.

In the mountain forest, a wild boar that was comparable to a tank ran rampant, and the towering ancient trees were smashed. The wild boar opened its bloody mouth and chewed directly: pick up these big trees, go down in one bite, three or five people, hug the big tree. was gnawed.

It's downright terrifying.

A red shadow flashed ahead.

The giant wild boar's eyes widened instantly.

But it hasn't had time to respond yet.

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This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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