It's just... from the sky.

Boom!!! Brains are splashing all over the place.

The red giant ape smashed the wild boar's head with one punch, and then it dug out the wild boar's brain with its hands and ate it.

at this time.

A group of people in dark robes walked slowly through the jungle.

The red giant ape turned to look at the group and grinned.

A mantra was chanted for the leader.

The giant ape's expression froze for a moment.

Standing there stiffly, it turned into a sculpture... The last strong team.

It was very violent.

A ten-meter-high bearded giant, like a giant, led five or six people through the forest.

All the monsters that block him are evil.

They were all smashed and crushed directly.

Five or six, a person with a foreign face.

follow closely behind him...

And Jiang Che is here.

Everyone discussed it, and finally decided to return to a mountain where they had been.

There is also one of the closest peaks to the peak of the fourth-grade spirit medicine. Tang Zi and others also had plans before, and they have been on that mountain until the spirit medicine matures.

And when a group of people walked down the mountain for a while.

When detouring into the mountain.

Some monsters were stunned.

Nima's chasing is here! Who leaked the news, many monsters were frightened.

The scene from last night is still vivid in my mind.

They just escaped from the mountain next door, but they didn't expect these... The cruel humans who feed on monsters are chasing after them! In the mountains and forests.

There was a sound of fleeing one after another.

Countless monsters fled in terror.

"A lot of good ingredients, hurry up, don't let them slip away!"

Jiang Che shouted loudly.

He chased after him with a hammer.

And Li Zhaoyang's eyes lit up, he picked up the axe and rushed into the forest.

The rest were speechless.

I think this scene is a little dreamy.

"Is our team too floating to be able to chase after the monsters..."

Bai Tingting said with emotion.

Logically speaking.

Several levels in the district form teams.

Seems powerful from the outside.

But in Yaoshan, there is a feeling of walking on thin ice.

Basically yes here.

Walk step by step.

Like the black bear.

A single demon can destroy them at six or seven levels.

But now.

Since Chef Jiang joined.

The whole team seems to have gone astray.

The first time they saw the monster, it was no longer to judge the threat of the other party, but to see where the flesh of the other party was more delicious...

Chapter [-] The storm is about to come (the third)

Two reckless men came out of the forest, each dragging a giant beast.

In Li Zhaoyang's hands, there is a wild boar ... bigger than a truck.

Jiang Che was dragging a fat rabbit, the Beastmaster of this mountain, of course, but nominally, his strength was only on the order of [-].

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