The White Tiger King gritted his teeth and shouted.

This opponent gave him a full sense of oppression.

Not in strength.

What's more, it is the bloodline level, as if the monster bloodline possessed by the other party is dozens of generations higher than his own, which directly makes the White Tiger King.

Trembling in the heart.


Jiang Che, who always had a smile on his face, turned cold: "That's not true, I just want to give you a word for those... innocent and tragic deaths."

"They say they want your life!"

A few demon kings...they didn't change their expressions.

The White Tiger King also snorted coldly: "It turns out that it is this ridiculous human Taoist priest who came to seek revenge for the ethnic group."

"Hehe, it's no wonder that your human race can only stop moving forward. Only then can my demon race prosper and prosper. The strong eat the weak and become stronger. This is the law of natural selection."

"You humans, how dare you speak better than the sky"

"The powerhouses of your human race are often... so ridiculous!"

Jiang Che took a few glances at the White Tiger King: "The weak should be the food for the strong"

The White Tiger King sneered: "It's natural, I eat those... weak humans, it's only right and proper!"

"That's right."

Above the sledgehammer in Jiang Che's hand, thunder and fire suddenly shot into the sky, and violent divine powers gradually rose up on his body.

"In front of Jiang, you are also weak. I want to eat you now, are you ready?"

The White Tiger King's complexion changed, and the huge tiger eyes were full of violence.

"I want to find the death of this king to complete you!"

It felt a dangerous rush of air.

Know that you can't have any more...withholding.

The White Tiger King opened his mouth and spit out a broken piece of black iron, which was a few years old at first glance, and the iron piece exuded the aura of destroying the sky and the earth, terrifying power of destruction, the void, making a hissing sound.

The faces of all the monsters changed dramatically.

Back hurriedly.

want to escape.

From this black iron sheet, they felt a sense of crisis in a word.

And Jiang Che stretched out a hand at this time, a mysterious space on the back of his hand turned into a huge letter, and the divine light bloomed in the air, covering the mountain top, turning into an invisible sealing barrier, suppressing the seal. Live the monster's retreat.

Some powerful monsters.

Launch a killer move.

But it can't shake the invisible barrier in the slightest.

And at this moment.

The White Tiger King squinted his eyes, he understood that if he struck down, the entire mountain would be destroyed by most of it.

Most of these subordinates will definitely be killed or injured.

But it has no intention of recruiting at all.

Because at this time, whoever admits counsel first will die directly.

"Humph! Go to hell!"

The White Tiger King snorted coldly.

Bring out the black iron.

A terrifying force whips up layers of sand and crushes the void.

The black iron flakes condensed out thousands of white forces that symbolize destruction, and slammed into Jiang Che.

At this time, Jiang Che was blessed with violent powers all over his body.

"Beast body!"

"The gluttonous giant."

"Blood of the Wild Beast."

"Swallow the sky!"

A huge vortex appeared in the sky above Jiang Che's head.

A huge suction force emanated from the vortex, pulling the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, the spiritual mist covered by the demon mountain all the year round, etc..., sucking and pulling all of it, passing it into Jiang Che's body through the void channel, increasing his flesh and blood by every inch. .

under various support.

At this time, Jiang Che's body was full of dazzling blood, and he was extremely terrified... He shouted loudly.

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