
"God Tribulation Thunder!"

"Underworld Thunder Purgatory Tribulation, Town!!!"

Under the blessing of a state of terror.

Jiang Che's right arm has doubled in size, showing a crimson color, and its strength has increased more than ten times.

A terrifying hammer held high.

The mighty purgatory appeared in the thunder.

But this time is a little different.

It seems that the power of this hammer has reached an extreme.

Click! In purgatory, there seems to be a door opened.

And next.

A terrifying will descended on the sledgehammer, turning the whole sledgehammer into a dazzling golden color, filled with a sharp aura that could tear apart almost all enemies in the world.

"Great master, I, the first level of purgatory, the golden devil."

"Help you fight!"

A pious voice resounded in Jiang Che's heart.

But it only lasted for a while.

disperse soon.

What surprised Jiang Che was that.

Under the blessing of that Jinmang.

The power of this hammer has undergone a terrifying change.

The black iron skin sacrificed by the White Tiger King contained thousands of terrifying forces of destruction, tearing apart the space and crushing everything, almost unstoppable.

But this hammer down.

While the terrifying purgatory is suppressed.

The golden light shines brightly.

It turned out to be directly shattering the countless destructive forces.


The White Tiger King's eyes widened, full of fear, and his voice trembled: "How come 4.

5 How possible, what kind of power is this, even the power of this antiquity has been crushed”

BANG!!!!!!! A huge bang.

A dazzling light filled the world.

The fourth giant peak collapsed directly and completely.

Countless monsters screamed and screamed in this hammer... The terrifying explosion lasted for a long time.

After ten minutes.

There is a huge pit here.

In the pit, there were only three charred corpses left, and on the edge of the pit, there were scattered charred monster corpses all over the place.

in the pit.

Jiang Che walked out with a hammer.

The power of a single hammer crushed all the monsters, but Jiang Che was not in a hurry to be happy, because this hammer seemed to provoke something extraordinary.

He stared intently at the sky.

in the distant sky.

A black shadow passed by.


Chapter [-] Dark Crow, the power of a demigod! (first update)

Accompanied by the sound of 'quack', in the sky, a black crow with no hair on its body flew over, like a black streamer, very fast.

where it flies.

The earth darkened instantly.

The previous scene of the evolution of the fourth-grade elixir was nothing compared to this.

A strange force covered the entire sky.

Everyone in the area of ​​Yaoshan, the monsters and ghosts, stared wide-eyed and looked at the sky in horror.

There are old monsters with round eyes.

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