These sounds are loud like the chirping of the Dao, and once they sound, the Dao trembles.

Jiang Che stepped out and followed the source of the sound.

You can step out.

Only then did he realize that he had left the universe, and in front of him was a stone room.

A huge stone room.

Can't see the edge.

I'm afraid it can hold a star.

In front of Jiang Che, there was a three-headed six-armed, demonic figure, facing the sky on his back, pierced through his heart by a sword, nailed to the ground, dying.

He couldn't see the true face of this man.

And a long sigh sounded.

"You... 0 is finally back."

Jiang Che's body trembled and froze in place.

Very familiar voice.

"You can come here to prove that we still have hope. Go, go back to the mountains and seas, and I will fulfill the promise."

The huge figure let out a long sigh.

The surrounding space was filled with terrifying ripples.

There seems to be some kind of force involved.

One after another, the divine chain of laws that was thicker than the galaxy, spread out from the... Heavenly Giant Sword, and stabbed into his huge body.

Jiang Che blinked again.

They had already reached an ancient battlefield. The chariots were mottled, and the soldiers were fierce. Any one person or beast could easily crush and kill the most powerful person Jiang Che had ever seen.

All kinds of giant demons and gods appeared one after another, calling for wind and rain, suppressing invincible.

Blood kills the sky, and Jin Ge fights.

The enemies all came from above the sky, stepping on flying swords, holding magical weapons, or they were beasts themselves, or they were golden gods, Shen Xi dazzling immortals, or huge aliens.

The strong man below rose to the sky.

When a pair of eyes are like stars.

When the top of the sky opens.

A giant with three heads and six arms, with strong demonic energy, his feet ripped apart the ground, jumped up, held a giant axe, a ge, a long sword, and rushed out.

The means are astounding.

After a while, the demonic giant fell with a head.

Soon those celestial visitors were slaughtered.

But above the sky, there was a more terrifying roar, as if the end of the world had come.

And this time.

Both ends of the earth.

There were two very blurry figures that Jiang Che could see no matter how hard he tried, soaring into the sky.

The grand sound came from their mouths and the avenue boiled for a while.

Innumerable mountain and sea aboriginal eyes, all the creatures soared into the sky, smashed to the sky, and stepped into the world.

The demonic giant was the last to leave. Before he soared into the sky, he finally looked at Jiang Che, his huge eyes filled with a hint of deep meaning.

"You came"

"The sky is a sword, the road is a spear, and no one can stop it."

"The end of this battle is already doomed."

"You are the last variable, make good use of my power."

He made a rumbling sound.

Finally sighed.

After hitting a black pattern, Jiang Che's expression was shocked, and in the sea of ​​​​souls, a card with demonic energy was already suspended.

Two original symbols are written on it.

- Chi You.

Then the giant rose into the sky, and above the sky, there was a more violent battle.

The last picture Jiang Che saw.

There are silhouettes that are even bigger than stars. They came out from the depths of the universe. Around their bodies, they were surrounded by the terrifying Dao Law. When they touched them a little, a star turned into powder.

God again.

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