He has appeared in his own house.


Remember the scene just now.

Jiang Che couldn't help swallowing his saliva, this kind of picture is so mysterious! He used to fool that... the existence in the world-destroying black lotus seed.

Ask him if he has...the practice of traversing the ages, burning mountains and boiling seas.

Now it seems.

Under the scene of this war, anything that traverses the ages is probably scum! A living being pulled out of it at will - even just a small grass, or even a drop of water, can turn the world upside down.

And Jiang Che's eyes flashed at the same time.

Saw something.

"The giant himself said it himself, the sky is the sword, this is the end that has been expected for him."

"Or rather..."

"I didn't really return to the Shanhai era."

"This scene is just created by the giant, I stepped into his memory scene"

"What's the purpose of him doing this?"

"To help me understand the battle untold years ago"

"Different or avoid prying eyes"

Jiang Che's eyes flickered.

He thought about a lot for a while.

"Forget it, these...it's useless to think too much, this is not something I can control now: things!"

"It's better to think about what's ahead, one step at a time, and a solid improvement in strength is the key."

Jiang Che has always been a pragmatic person.

Immediately let go of these things.

Because at present, the predicament on the earth itself is not small, even facing the crisis of war and destruction.

The things in the demon mountain are coveted by tigers.

The devious world has been attacking all the time, but relying on the martyrs and heroes to block their footsteps.

Moreover, the earth continues to recover, the restricted area is opened, all kinds of monsters and ghosts are rampant, and now there is another incident in Longquan Mountain.

Half a million people were massacred.

Jiang Che had a hunch that this would be the beginning of a great chaos.

He swept his attention to the Shenzang card in the soul sea.

7:[-] a line explained.


'Elementary' strength, transformed into 'Intermediate'.

The power of 'a little' source directly reached 1%, which is quite a lot.

One more talent.

Jiang Che's eyes flickered and he was very excited.

You must know that the so-called magical power of law refers to the Tao of Heaven and Earth that a living being has comprehended in its lifetime, which is one of its ultimate powers.

this power.

It is often one of the last cards of life.

It is also its most practical ability.

For example, the rebirth of the tenth grievance soul, the Fire Mastery of the Blazing Bird King, and the Soul Eater of the Dark Crow.

these things.

That's the root of their power.

And Jiang Che is very much looking forward to it. Even these creatures and supernatural powers are so powerful. After those mountains and seas that can destroy mountains and seas, their supernatural powers will be terrifying in the previous battle.

Those... visitors from all worlds who invaded the world of mountains and seas.

It doesn't seem to be tyrannical enough to let the creatures of the mountains and seas use their magical powers.

So Jiang Che didn't see the power of this kind of thing.

Chapter [-] Earning blood, evolution of beast souls! (Second update, sorry for being late)

After reading the description, Jiang Che was very amazed.

God Tibetan card, I am afraid it is too strong.

And the form of its existence has also changed, it seems to exist out of the system.

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