She invited a capable person from the Han family: "Husband, come up quickly."

The man struggled a bit on his face, but soon his eyes lost all vigour, and he walked towards the sedan chair dumbly.

The expressions of all the Han family members changed drastically.

And this time.

A figure walked in swiftly, with a thunderous shout in his mouth: "Miss, you picked up the wrong person!"

"I am your husband, I am here."

"Come on, I'll go back to the bridal chamber with you."

such a sound.

It made the bride ghost stunned.

This is the first time that the old lady has seen such an initiative! She raised her eyes and looked in front of her.

I saw a man with a sledgehammer coming out of the darkness.

The man came over and pushed the chosen groom back.

Then he looked at the bride ghost tenderly: "Madam, look, did you admit the wrong person just now, I am your husband!"

The ghost bride was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Yes, husband, then get on the sedan chair."

Jiang Che was a little interested in how this ghost bride harmed people.

So he grabbed the bride and dragged her onto the sedan chair.

Everyone was stunned.

What the hell, you! Is it so rude? Jiang Che's methods were rude, he almost dragged the ghost bride on the ground and pulled it into the sedan chair.

The bearers were stunned.

froze in place.

And Jiang Che still didn't forget to lift the sedan chair and scolded: "Have you... see what you're doing with your eyesight, get up from the sedan chair!"

Crowd: ...when the bearer got up from the sedan with an ignorant face.

Just walked out not two steps.

I heard a sound coming from the car.

"Miss, do you really want to be here?"

"I'm afraid it's too powerful."

"Oh, if you have to persevere."

"All right."

Then... bang!! A loud bang.

The sedan chair exploded directly, and a large pit appeared on the spot.

It was as if it had been hit by a cannonball.

Those... bearer ghosts, suona ghosts, all were bombed to the point of scum.

Even the aftermath of the explosion shocked several Han family's level and level capable people to the point of vomiting blood.

Everyone was shocked.

Damn it, your it a missile on it? Come on.

It was so fried and it was so terrifying! In the deep pit, the bride had become a puddle of minced meat.

Jiang Che was holding the sledgehammer with an innocent look on his face: "Just now, this little lady insisted on seeing my baby, and said she wanted to try its power."

"Well, I said that Wei is too big, but she still insists on trying."

"Let me think about it, she may not be able to bear it if she is satisfied, but if I am not satisfied with her, it seems that I am so stingy, so I tried to show her, sigh, Nuo's marriage is only halfway through. Then I returned to the state of being a single dog, and life is really fickle."

He shook his head with emotion, his tone was very vicissitudes.

And a group of Han family capable people.

They all looked stunned.

Killing his wife to testify, boss Fang Cheng is at this time.

In the woods in the distance.

The stallholder's eyes were blood red.

Damn, I have raised a ghost for most of my life, you are a dog! His eyes were full of grief and anger, and then... he turned around and ran away.

But at this time, Jiang Che's eyes lit up, and he found a stallholder in the bushes.

He shouted enthusiastically: "Isn't this my in-law's family? It's a bit embarrassing to say, your daughter was killed by me just now, in-law's family, don't rush to run, I just want to ask, do you have any other daughters and introduce them to me? Ah Yong"

The stallholders were stunned.

What's wrong with's still a man without a son-in-law like you!! Who has a son-in-law like you, how many daughters are not enough to kill.

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