Chapter [-] Is it sick? ! (Fourth more, funny.jpg)

The stall trader ran wildly, his two feet turned into ferocious animal legs, this is the secret technique of ghost keepers - ghost feet.

Its speed is astonishingly fast, rushing out a kilometer in a few steps.


Along with Jiang Che, he stretched out a hand.

The Great Seal of Heaven is activated.

Sigh! A force of suppression.

Directly separated by a few kilometers, it turned into a giant hand, and it crushed the stall maker to pieces.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 999 energy."

Plus bride ghost and bearer etc.

This wave, [-] experience.

"It's not bad, and if you add it together, it's enough for an obsidian card."

Jiang Che murmured something, turned around and walked towards the martial arts arena.

at this time.

Han's open-air martial arts field.

Except for those who guarded a few key places, all the capable people of the Han family were surrounded here, vigilantly guarding against attacks.

at this time.

On the surrounding high walls, black shadows climbed up.

Within a few breaths, the surrounding walls were filled with densely packed abilities, and at a glance, at least more than two hundred.

Everyone in the Han family was short of breath.

They put everything together.

Only about forty people.

This is because the old man Han did not let the capable people under the name of the Han Group come over.

At this moment.

Bang!!! Two heavy iron doors.

He was directly blown away by a three-meter golden-armored giant.

9 people walked in.

These people are old and young, full of air, and obviously have been in high positions for a long time.

"Han Yuanlong, today is the beginning of your Han family's destruction!"

Someone shouted, trying to influence Han Yuanlong's breakthrough.

"The death of your descendants of the Han family is all because of you!"

"I don't know if you thought about this day when you lowered the price"

Someone sneered.

Some people stopped talking and waved directly: "Kill!"

In an instant, more than [-] capable people around jumped down from the wall and killed the Han family.

They held gleaming blades in their hands, and their eyes were cold.

It's like a group of beasts that choose people and devour them.

And no longer human.

Driven by huge profits, human life is like a mustard in their eyes.


"Come on!"

"Destroy them!"

"All slaughtered."

All abilities have scarlet eyes.

Kill the Han family.

Everyone in the Han family was also ready to fight, and at the same time looked into the depths of the darkness, waiting for strong aid.


A gust of wind howled.

Jiang Che fluttered his wings and appeared in the void above the martial arts field, and a character flashed above his big hand.

Immediately, there was a force of suppression.

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