This is in Jiang Che's eyes.

It's like a large patch of chives.

And he also has some public morality, if others don't take the initiative to provoke him.

Jiang Che is also not good at looking for trouble with a sledgehammer.

but now.

With Su Xuanxuan's natural hatred value.

When the time comes when her great enemy arrives, Jiang Che will brush it off, and then step by step will involve stronger ones, the enemy's master, the ancestor of the sect, the elder of the sect, etc..., even the upper sect and so on. ...

This one-stop brush-level service.

Jiang Che was almost drooling just thinking about it.

Of course.

There are also prerequisites for this.

You need to be strong on your own.

Therefore, Jiang Che has already decided.

He has to visit the restricted areas within the empire one by one.

Set a small goal - earn [-] million of his mother's first! Unlock the next stage of the alien card.

It's time to enter the realm of hell.

Speaking of which, this world has invaded the earth for so long.

I don't know what those gods who think of themselves as high above will think when Jiang Che invades the past alone.

Chapter [-] Dou Qi Hua Hammer (Second, sorry for being a little late)

Longquan Ancient City, a mountain city with a long history, the buildings are all antique, gray brick walls and bluestone paths can be seen everywhere.

In the drizzle, the wicker tells the mottled history.

This city is very small, with less than [-] million people, but it is also very peaceful, and it is the 'place of peace of mind' for many people.

But now, in this ancient city, people are panicking, a large number of people are evacuating outside, and the evacuation team is crowding the hot streets, but no one has any complaints or dissatisfaction.

Because just as far as they can see, the other half of the city is full of blood, and the viscera, blood, and minced meat are all over the ground.

No one to clean up.

A small half of the entire city has become this bloody hell.

Bancheng, six towns, and thirteen villages.

They were brutally slaughtered by blood, not only that, but these... dead people were sacrificed to become zombies, and they would not be able to live in peace after death.

This will be a blood feud in the history of the Empire.


Everyone was angry and scared, and looked around from time to time, for fear that the executioner would suddenly appear in the crowd, and the rest would also be slaughtered.


among evacuated crowds.

There are five figures, walking against the flow of people.

The five people have different shapes, but the same is that the aura is very strong, and almost no one dares to look at them.

All those who are busy escaping this scary city.

They just glanced at the five people and walked in the opposite direction of the crowd.

Five people walked through the ancient city, went to some towns and villages, watched the scene, and finally walked towards Longquan Mountain where all the intersections were blocked.

This mountain is weird.

It's like two mountains are stacked together.

There are traces of an original mountain below, but above this mountain, there is an infinitely mysterious mountain. The mountain above is very strange. The surface layer is five or six hundred meters, and the height is all shrouded in a kind of black energy. The scene inside is not clear.

It was as if, inside this mountain, there was a world of its own.

According to some rumors in the ancient city of Longquan.

Said to be hundreds of years ago.

There was an immortal who moved the mountain to the ancient city of Longquan, and when he saw that there were demons there, he threw the mountain in his hand and quelled the demons.

It also formed such a mountain spectacle.

Of course, this is just folklore, and according to the records of the empire, it is true that this mountain town is sealed with demons.

But the so-called demons are not from the empire, but when the peaks fly out of the space fissure, there is a demon inside.

"According to the speculation of many seniors in the empire."

In the mountains, a voice sounded.

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