Five people are walking on the mountain road, they are not in a hurry to use their abilities to hurry, but to adjust their state and accumulate every bit of strength to deal with the next battle.

Chen Jianghe looked at the Longquan Mountain above and said: "This mountain should be another world, an invincible strong man, using his dojo to trap a powerful one that is too strong to be destroyed, so strange that it is difficult for that strong man The demon of speculation, and then in order to prevent that evil spirit from breaking the seal in the future, he will tear the space and bring it into our world, just in case."

among several people.

One was an imperial powerhouse with a calm expression, as if he had known about it for a long time.

The remaining three are 3.

They all stared at each other, obviously surprised, there is such a thing.

If so.

That strong man is too cold, "Hehe, others don't treat us as human at all."

A middle-aged man with a scarlet long sword and a shaggy beard sneered: "In the eyes of the strong, I am afraid that our indigenous world is equivalent to no living beings, and can only be regarded as a wasteland to suppress evil spirits. "

This person is a disciple of Bai Changsu.

A sword god at the peak of a demigod.

He was exactly what Chen Jianghe and Jiang Che said, and the other two were strong men on the same level as Jiang Che.

"This kind of existence, I am afraid we will never be able to touch it in our lifetime."

A man wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses held up the frame.

"Let's talk about the things in front of you first. According to the breath just now, the opponent shot, no less than ten people, all of them are kings. According to my judgment, the weakest, the king is the sixth dan, the strongest is the ninth dan, each person's specific strength, At the scene, there is too little residual breath to judge."

His name is Mu Liang, and he is one of the three giants behind the Hualong Empire, the largest intelligence network.

Demigod powerhouse.

Good at breath screening, data analysis, reasoning, and has the ability to strengthen mechanical.

You can turn ordinary firearms into: those who can kill powerful people.

Of course, in a five-man team.

Mu Liang and Chen Jianghe are the two who play the sauce.... play support.

The main combat power lies in the other three.

Bai Lie, a disciple of Bai Changsu.

That is, the vicissitudes of life middle-aged man with a scarlet long sword. He closed his eyes, never said a word, and floated around a few people: one, a young woman full of charm, Lu Lingyun.

This is someone from the Lu family, and the Empire invited them over from the foundation.

In her body, a true god was sealed.

Once you open your eyes or open your mouth, you must be monstrous.

So she never said a word, just followed a few people, which was the biggest guarantee in the team, because although this person could only display the strength of a demigod, but in her body, a true god was truly sealed.

If the team ends up dying.

That true god will also tear up all the enemies.

Because it was a god that the foundation used a divine contract, was deceived, and took great pains to sign, and it had to abide by certain rules.

When the host dies, if it wants to regain its freedom and let this divine body return to its own body, then it must kill the host's enemy.

The last person.

Of course... Jiang Mangfu with a sledgehammer.

After five people meet.

It didn't happen that someone looked down on someone else, and then he Jiang Che picked up a sledgehammer and smashed his face in a pretense.

On the contrary, several people seemed to have some understanding of Jiang Che.

Mu Liang greeted him as soon as he came up, and then looked a little shy, staying at least five meters away from Jiang Che.


Holding a sledgehammer and smashing the sky and the ground, smashing evil spirits, smashing demigods, and even the avatar of a god general, who is not afraid, but Bai Lie seems to admire Jiang Che very much.


As soon as he came up, he patted Jiang Che's shoulder: "Brother, I'm crazy how old you are, to tell you the truth, I was fooled by the white old man back then, and I had to... The hand feel, 2 has no texture, this weight, it is not pleasant to cut people.

When I was just out of the world, what I wanted to learn the most was actually... a hammer."

"Can you tell me about our hammer repair lineage?"

Speaking of this, Jiang Che suddenly became interested, bragging is what he is good at! So Jiang Da Mangfu looked serious and talked freely.

"In terms of hammering, there are many changes. There are some famous moves. One hammer, Guanghan, fourteen states, one hammer, seven wounds, seven dragons, eighteen hammers, Dugu, nine hammers, eight deserts, six hexes, the only one. It is innumerable.”

"As for my hammer repair, some famous hammer repair seniors have said famous quotes..."

Chapter [-] Immortals are just cannon fodder! (third more)

"...And then..., there are more famous incidents in hammer repair, I think back then when the hammer emperor was called off his horse,,, became famous in a battle.

There is also the Huangtian Hammer Emperor, who once made a hammer for all ages, with such power, he can be called a role model for everyone in my hammer.

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