Think of the top of the Forbidden City, when a hammer came from the west, and the sky flew immortals.

On the big snow flat, the hammer comes! With a long shout, thousands of hammers come..."

"There are quite a few famous magic weapons that we hammer and repair."

"Heaven Slaying the Dragon Hammer, dominate the martial arts."

"Zhu Xian hammers the formation, shocks the floods, and can hammer the saints."

"The Ruyi Golden Hoop Hammer can be big or small, long or short, soft or hard."


Jiang Che's words were very embarrassing and sincere, and with just a few words, a hammer repair universe was established, and Bai Lie was stunned when he heard it.

It made him suddenly feel that he had learned this swordsmanship.

, it's just... . . . Blind! Listen.

Others hammer and repair a vein.

The moves are rich! The background is powerful! The special effects are dazzling 04! There are also such grand celebrity events.

Hammer! With a long shout, thousands of hammers come, how domineering, how dazzling! One word.

Awesome! Bai Lie was drooling when he heard it.

He almost imagined that he had become a hammer repairer.

After all, others hammer repairs, and at every turn... they will hammer the eternity.

What a force! What a line of faces! Compared with my own sword cultivation, the thing that has been broken, what a sword coming from the west, a sword light and cold... "Hey, wait..."

Bai Lie scratched his head a little: "You, this, this sounds a little familiar?"

"Fuck, I remembered."

"God strikes down the fourteen states, brother Jiang, are you bullying me for not studying enough?"

Bai Lie was stunned at the time.

You are too shameless.

Bring other people's martial arts world and fantasy world to you to hammer and repair the world view.

No wonder it sounds so grand! Fortunately, Lao Tzu is witty.

I was almost crippled by your dog days! "Alas"

Facing Bai Lie's questioning, Jiang Che just sighed lightly, with a misunderstood bitterness and helplessness on his face: "Every time I say these things, others will immediately say that I made it up."

"It's like before Reiki, recovery, someone said that he believed that there are dragons in the world, he has seen dragons, everyone will laugh at him."

"But have you ever thought that when one day in this world, parrots become extinct, we will go and tell future generations that there was once a kind of bird that could talk, would they also think it's a fantasy?"

On Jiang Che's face, there was a hint of sigh that was just right.

Bai Lie was very moved, and he hesitated: "Brother Jiang, do you mean... The things you just said... The things about the hammer repair are actually true."

He thought what Jiang Che said was very reasonable.

"No, that was indeed made up by me, how can I not be awesome?"

Bai Lie: I want to hack you to death! "Hey"

Lu Lingyun couldn't help it anymore, and laughed out a pig cry.

And in her mouth, a ray of divine light burst out.

Bang!!! A loud noise.

Not far in front of the few people, a large piece of cliff was directly smashed by a terrifying divine light.

Jiang Che didn't mean anything else, that is... I was bored on the road and played with water. After all, the little fox was not around. I used to be bored when I went out, and I just played with the fox.

This time because he wasn't quite sure what kind of doorway was here.

Afraid of what happens.

You can still revive yourself.

After all, it was enough for Jiang Che to be a little more cautious about being a powerhouse of unknown origin.

That's why he had to pre-arrange the imprint of resurrection.

Because others may not know how strong the so-called strong are.

But Jiang Che knew.

He saw it with his own eyes.

In that terrifying world, those... those who were thrown into the Shanhaijing Continent as cannon fodder, the powerhouses of the heavens and the myriad worlds, every breath was so terrifying that it made him tremble! There was no hope of resistance! Jiang Che even There is a feeling.

I'm afraid those......, are... the legendary immortals! Countless people want to become gods and ascend to immortals, thinking that when they reach that level, they are... great freedom.

As everyone knows.

in some battles.

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