"Brother, are you playing football?"

This sentence seems to have affected some mysterious power, and the lights in the toilet suddenly dimmed.

The door also closed suddenly.

in a dim toilet.

Jiang Che didn't panic, he tossed it about 30cm, raised his pants, and showed an extremely enthusiastic smile.

"Play, my brother likes to play with balls the most."

The little boy was stunned.

Your reaction is not normal, is it?

But he still said sullenly:

"Then brother, can you squat down, I'll make you a ball, let's play together."

The little boy took out a boning knife.

Jiang Che squatted down according to his words.

"You're too polite, little one. I don't need your help. Brother, I'll do it myself."

The little boy was stunned.

Are you so polite?

Want to do it yourself?

Then he felt a strong big hand suddenly pressed down on his head, one hand lifted him up, and then the other big hand, with a 'click', broke his leg bone, followed by his arm, waist, Broken inch by inch.

The little boy also wanted to break free.

But what... this man is too powerful!

Soon, Jiang Che threw the little boy into a plate, and along with the crackling sound of his bones, a brand-new human ball appeared in Jiang Che's hands.

"Children, come, my brother will play ball with you."

hear him.

The little boy had a question mark on his face.

Fire almost burst out of his eyes.

you shut up!

What about your horse?

When I say playing with the ball, I am not playing with me as a ball!

Please be a person!

And Jiang Che looked at the "eagerness" in the little boy's eyes, and felt his impatience, so he nodded: "Okay, uncle, let's start."

He suddenly threw the ball in his hand and shot it with a "swipe" kick.


A loud bang.

The walls of the men's and women's toilets were penetrated.

The human flesh ball got stuck in the middle.

Although the little boy at this moment is not completely cool, he is already confused and fearful.

Are you the devil!

Treat an underage ghost like this?

"Woooo~ Mom~"

Under such inhuman abuse by Jiang Che.

The little boy actually burst into tears.

I usually play with others as a ball, but now being treated as a ball by others, very few people can experience the feeling of grievance.

"Why are you crying, little kid?" Jiang Che, the culprit, had an innocent and puzzled look on his face at this time. He pondered for two seconds and slapped his thigh.

"Brother now, is it not fun to play football?"

Abolish Nima's words!

Are you being treated like a ball for fun?

The little boy's face was sinister and resentful.

"Then brother will teach you a fun game." Jiang Che picked up the hammer.

"The name of this game is called—"

"Take the hammer!"

Chapter [-] Who Killed My Son! (New book for collection!!)

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