On the other side, in the accommodation area of ​​the villa, after Jiang Che left, a group of people calmed down temporarily after the initial panic.

"The most important thing at the moment is to count the number of people and see if there are any missing!"

Academic Committee, Han Xingsheng stood up and said.

Zhou Hua also nodded to this suggestion.

As soon as you clicked, everyone's expressions changed.

66 people.

Apart from Yang Dandan, who was already dead, there should have been 74 people left.

A full 8 less!

The cold sweat on Zhou Hua's face started to flow down at that time.

If all of these eight students had an accident, not only would his studies and work be over, but his life would be over, and he would either spend the rest of his life on the run or in prison.

"Let's go find them?" someone suggested.

All were silent.

At this time, no one is willing to act any more, they just want to stay here to stay warm and stay away from threats.

tata tao~

Rapid footsteps sounded.

Six girls came from the other side of the corridor.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where did you go just now?!" Zhou Hua asked with a sullen face.

Several people were also a little embarrassed.

"Sorry guide, the smell of blood is so unpleasant, we all went outside and vomited for a while, but didn't Zhao Xin come back first and tell you guys not to worry?"

When the people who stayed here heard this, they suddenly groaned in their hearts.

Zhao Xin, never came back!

"What's the matter, isn't she with you?" Zhou Hua frowned.

The six girls also responded.

"Could it be..."

Everyone was silent and did not continue talking. There is a high probability that another classmate was killed.

An emotion called "fear" spread among the crowd.

The ancient villa in the deep mountains and the old forest, strange things that keep appearing, missing classmates, tragic death...

All of this made it hard to breathe.

Many girls sobbed softly.

Most boys are also sitting on wax.

No one dared to enter their room, all stood in the corridor, at a loss.

But slowly.

Many people also felt a little relieved.

After all, so many people are together, so many people are powerful, and evil spirits don't dare to come out directly, right?



The electric switch has tripped.

The entire corridor was completely plunged into darkness.


After a moment of silence, everyone erupted.

Crying, resounding through the night sky, the night is like an invisible big hand, strangling everyone's throat, making them breathless, almost depressed, and crying is the best way to vent.

And in the midst of this chaos.

Suddenly, a holy light lit up.

It's not so dazzling, it's only the size of a candle's light, but the moment it appeared, everyone quieted down and stared blankly at the fairy-like girl - Lu Xiaoyuan.

Holding the Bible in her hand, she murmured.

"God said, let there be light."

The Holy Light just lit up.

Everyone stared at her blankly. Did God send an angel to save everyone?

"Who is coming, come with me to open the switch?"

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