The angel uttered a slightly contradictory remark that brought everyone back to reality.

"I go!"

Someone immediately volunteered.

"I am coming too!"

Several people were busy shouting and fighting for each other. At this time, everyone saw that Lu Xiaoyuan was coming and wanted to stay by her side.

"Forget it, let's act together, the electric switch is at the door."

Lu Xiaoyuan frowned and said so.

When everyone walks out of the hallway.

Through the thin moonlight, I looked at the scene in front of me.

Qi Qi let out a scream like killing a pig.


Regardless of gender, the bloody scene in front of them scared everyone to death.

In front of the accommodation building is a tall, old willow tree.

I saw it under the extremely thin moonlight.

On the willow tree hangs the body of a woman.

Zhao Xin!

Her eyeballs popped out, her blood was serious, her left eye was directly burst, blood was scattered all over the ground, her tongue was [-] to [-] centimeters long, one arm was missing, her face was pale, and the whole person was dead. , very miserable!

And even more terrifying.

Countless strips of white cloth hang from a few willow trees.

A gust of cold wind blew through, and these cloth strips kept swaying.

and accompanying.


The sound of blood dripping from Zhao Xin's corpse formed a hypnotic-like effect, causing everyone's eyes to gradually become blurred.

They are not completely lost.

He also has his own consciousness and can control his facial expressions, but he can't control the actions of his body.

This strange state is the most terrifying!

The only person who didn't move was Lu Xiaoyuan.

A faint halo emanated from the Bible and enveloped her.

However, Lu Xiaoyuan's face was also extremely ugly.

"What a strong evil spirit! This is not an ordinary ghost."

In terms of threat level, this evil energy is on the same level as hers.

But unfortunately, Lu Xiaoyuan is a Western exorcist, and she is very disadvantaged in the face of the Eastern Specter. In a real fight, she is definitely not an opponent.

But she couldn't just watch dozens of people die in front of her.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Lu Xiaoyuan took out a pure white cross.

But this time.

Suddenly, a loud noise spread through the night sky.


It seemed that a wall had been knocked down.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream of a woman in the night sky.

"Who killed my son!!"

All the white cloth strips disappeared instantly.

Chapter [-] A female toilet without a girl has no soul (new book for collection!! Flowers!!)

All those white cloth strips disappeared, but before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, they discovered in horror.

Blood was still dripping from Zhao Xin's body, and their bodies were still walking towards the willow trees uncontrollably.

Everyone was extremely panicked.

Because they have a feeling that once they get close to the willow tree, they will definitely try their best to commit suicide, hit the tree, hang themselves with a willow branch, and even use a willow branch to run through their necks and eyes!

These terrifying thoughts appeared in everyone's heart, hypnotizing them step by step.

"Help! We don't want to die."

"The old lady is still a virgin!"


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