Everyone, their throats were broken.

At this time, Lu Xiaoyuan placed a cross on his chest.

"God said, let the world be free from falsehood."

A word out.

Everyone suddenly felt a clear light in their heads, and they actually got rid of that weird control. They were stunned for a moment, then their faces were overjoyed, and they hurried back, all looking at Lu Xiaoyuan with gratitude.

tick tock~tick tock~

But at this time, the sound of blood dripping became clearer.

A pungent bloody smell drifted through the crowd.

Everyone was stunned.

Suddenly someone screamed.

"Ah! What the hell!"

"Zhao Xin is here! Run!"

I saw that Zhao Xin's corpse walked over with the crowd at some point when the crowd returned. At this moment, she was in pain and stretched out a hand to her best friend before.

"Lin Lin, I'm so uncomfortable, I can't breathe... Help me~"

One of Zhao Xin's eyeballs burst, one eyeball bulged out, his tongue was almost half a meter out, and one arm was broken. He was definitely not a living person, but he could make sounds and make movements, scaring everyone Legs are weak.

Especially her best friend named Lin Lin.

He knelt directly on the ground and wanted to scream, but his throat seemed to be stuck by something. He opened his mouth and made a loud cry, but couldn't make a sound.

Lu Xiaoyuan's cold voice sounded: "God said that some evil spirits will eventually be judged."

The book in her hand instantly burst into a piercing white light and blasted out.


Zhao Xin's body was directly penetrated by this white light, a hole the size of a basketball appeared in her chest, and the wound was still making a "Zizzizi" sound, which seemed extremely terrifying, and her eyes finally closed slowly, and her whole body was completely fell down.

People waited for a long time.

Seeing that Zhao Xin can no longer move.

Completely relieved.

Everyone lay on the ground like dead dogs, sweat soaking through their clothes.

A few people turned on the switch, and the lights that came back on gave them a sense of security.

Lu Xiaoyuan took out a small bag.

She held the "Bible" and prayed for a long time.

"God said, all kinds of evil can't enter - the kingdom of heaven!"

After Lu Xiaoyuan finished praying, she took out a white powder from a small bag, spread it around the crowd in the corridor, and sprinkled a small circle on the switch.

"You stay in the circle and don't come out. If you are lucky, you will be fine. Leave immediately tomorrow morning."

When she's done, she's leaving.

Many people were immediately anxious.

"Where are you going, Lu Xiaoyuan?"

"Sister Yuanyuan, please don't leave~"

"Student Lu, stay here, there are many people and great strength!"

"What do we do when you're gone!?"

Everyone panicked.

Some begged, some questioned.

They have seen the power of Lu Xiaoyuan, and now it is everyone's only life-saving straw in this strange villa.

Of course they didn't want Lu Xiaoyuan to leave.

"I have more important things to do." Lu Xiaoyuan looked at everyone coldly, although she is a priest, she is not a Virgin: "I have no obligation to ensure your safety, now I am going to save my friend ."

After speaking, she held the "Bible", exuding a faint brilliance, and stepped into the deep darkness in the distance.

And see this scene.

There was nothing they could do, some wept, some cursed.


Inside the side door of the villa's hall, there is a men's toilet.

Jiang Che carried the hammer.

Listen to pleasant system prompts.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 95 energy."

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