Looking at the slowly collapsing wall in front of him, he swore that he definitely didn't want to see the women's toilet, but he wasn't sure how much effort it would take to kill an evil with his current basic strength.

Now, it seems like a bit too much force.

"However, there doesn't seem to be anything special about this girls' toilet?"

As Jiang Che looked at it, he commented: "It always feels like something is missing."

He suddenly slapped his thigh: "Oh yes, girl! Without the girls' toilet, it's like losing your soul~"

His voice just fell.

A gust of cold wind blew through the ventilation window of the toilet.

A woman in a long embroidered dress appeared in the women's toilet with a grim look.

"Fuck, I'm talking about a girl, can you talk like an aunt?"

Chapter [-] The Overlord of Qingqiu - Nine Tails (new book for collection!!)

The woman's eyes bulged out, her face was pale, and there was no trace of blood, like a corpse that had been dead for decades. Her tongue grew amazingly, and it hung to her feet. The moment she appeared, the temperature of the whole toilet dropped by a few. Ten degrees, the wind was blowing, the lights went out instantly, and only the thin moonlight came in from the window.

"You killed my son?!"

Looking at the remaining wisp of black air on the ground, the woman, who should be called a female ghost, stared at Jiang Che, the tips of her hair turning red.

Jiang Che was surprised.

This is actually a half-step red-clothed old ghost.

"Aunt, you misunderstood. When your son was playing with me just now, he accidentally had an accident. I swear, I definitely didn't do it on purpose."

Jiang Che swore an oath.

This kind of words made the ghosts stunned.

What is a pick-up hammer?

What a surprise to God!

Can an accident kill my son's soul directly?

She reacted in an instant.

"Dare to play Mrs. Ben?"

"court death!"

This is most likely the concubine of an official before the Republic of China, who also calls herself a wife.

At the same time as she roared, a pale hand like a chicken's paw had already grabbed towards Jiang Che, making a "brush" sound in the air. The nails on her hand had grown by more than ten centimeters, which were incomparably sharp.

Jiang Che raised his foot to hook up a concrete wall and kicked it.

Accompanied by a 'thorn la' sound.

As soon as I saw the woman's hand, there was no hindrance. Like cutting tofu, the cement wall wrapped with steel bars was directly grabbed into two pieces, and sparks were rubbed out.


A sledgehammer hit it.


A loud bang erupted.

The female ghost floated back three meters.

Jiang Che's feet touched the ground and stepped back one meter.

In terms of strength, Jiang Che has a slight advantage, but the opponent is a ghost, and there are countless strange methods.

And sure enough.

After the female ghost tried unsuccessfully, a gloomy look appeared on her face.

"Jie Jie, another stinky Taoist priest."

"Come out and hang him!"

As soon as the sentence fell, the female ghost waved her sleeves, her yin qi whistled, and the moonlight in the toilet dimmed for a moment. When Jiang Che regained his faint line of sight, he had already seen five white ribbons tied around his neck. .

The four hanged ghosts with pale faces, together with the female ghost, were pulling Bai Ling together and strangled themselves.

The five Specters joined forces and their strength was astonishingly large.

In addition, there is a trace of strange black energy emanating from each white silk.

Jiang Che instantly felt that he couldn't breathe, and his hands and feet began to soften.

Four Specter, plus a half-step red-clothed old Specter, just relying on his current basic strength, it is indeed difficult to deal with it.


He Jiang is not a reckless man with brute force.

He is a professional "explosive" player!

The battle just now was just a warm-up.

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