"Use the alien card - the nine-tailed fox."

A blazing white light appeared on Jiang Che's body.

Roar! !

The overlord of Qingqiu roared in the ancient river of time and space.

A fox tail slowly stretched out from Jiang Che's back, and two furry ears grew on his head, all of which were white. On his hand, a dazzling light flashed, and his nails instantly stretched and became extremely sharp.

Stab it!

With one claw down, those white silks were torn to shreds in an instant.


The ghosts were stunned.

"This is impossible, my hanging cloth, even if it is red, can't be torn apart!!"

The hanging cloth is the biggest trump card of the hanged ghost, and its toughness is beyond imagination.

Jiang Che's eyes turned blue.

His eyes were cold and high.

He glanced at a few ghosts, and with a slam on his feet, the whole person had turned into a phantom, and instantly appeared in front of a ghost. This man was a fat man in a suit, and he looked familiar. He seemed to be a well-known rich man in China. I heard that he died of cancer, but he didn't expect to die here.

But no matter who he is.

Jiang Che didn't show the slightest mercy, his sharp palm pierced straight through Fatty's chest, smashing his heart.


The fat man screamed in agony, and his body and spirit were destroyed!

The other three Specters were stunned.


And this method is too cruel!

After all, you are a ghost and we are a ghost?

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 350 energy."

"Stinky Taoist priest, go to hell!!"

At this time, the voice of the female ghost sounded abruptly.

It turned out that at the moment when Jiang Che made his move, this half-step red-clothed ghost directly seized the opportunity and even touched Jiang Che's back, a pale palm capable of easily slicing through the cement wall, gouging out Jiang Che's back. Heart.

Chapter [-] Jiang Che is angry! (Ask for Huahua! Ask for an evaluation ticket!)

Stab it!

Blood splattered.

The pale palm penetrated Jiang Che's body, and above the five fingers, there was a red heart that was still beating.

There was a cruel smirk in the female ghost's eyes.

But suddenly, she felt a pat on the shoulder.


Suddenly jumped up in shock.


I saw Jiang Che, who had been penetrated by her, was standing behind her intact, his eyes turned into an evil brown-blue color.

At this time, the "Jiang Che" in the female ghost's hand turned into a cloud of blue smoke.

Nine-tailed fox ability - illusion.

"Where are the ghosts?" Jiang Che looked righteous: "Don't be afraid of this aunt, I will go down with this hammer and promise to help you exorcise ghosts and evils, and kill evil and mold!!"

He raised his hands up.

The bronze mace gradually enlarged in the female ghost's eyes.

Under the blessing of the Nine-Tailed Fox Exotic Beast Card.

This hammer.

One hundred thousand pounds!

Boom! !

The female ghost couldn't react at all.

Under the terrifying loud noise, a huge crater appeared on the entire ground.

The remaining three ghosts swallowed in unison.

This Nima.

Too violent!

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