Jiang Che pondered for two seconds: "Then can you perform a split?"

The devil was stunned.

What a god.... Performing the splits! When I am here to show you a talent show! "Humph!"

The devil's scarlet eyes swept toward Jiang Che condescendingly, and suddenly an overwhelming pressure was suppressed, and everyone in the hall felt a sweetness in their mouths, and a stream of blood spurted out.

"You are playing the devil!"

Its voice was low and gloomy, like the ravings of death.


Spit out a word.

The demon swung a sharp claw abruptly. On top of the claw, a terrifying purple demonic energy was wrapped in it, and it shredded the void directly and crushed it fiercely towards Jiang Che.

Jiang Che slammed out a hammer suddenly.

collide with it.

Bang!!! A terrible loud noise.

A whole wall collapsed, and a figure slowly walked out of the stone ruins.

Jiang Che wiped his hand, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth: "With a random blow, it can be comparable to a demigod powerhouse, burst out with full force, or even stronger. Is this the power of a true god? It is indeed tyrannical."

outside his body.

Has a layer of dark armor.

On the outside, there is a pair of ferocious bone armor.

With the Dragon Bone Armor, Jiang Che dared to try it once, using his basic strength to fight against a wave of true gods.

I didn't expect to be crushed so thoroughly.

And the opponent is really just a casual hit.

After all, not everyone is Jiang Che's kind of dog ratio that magnifies when they meet.

And the devil is very surprised that... this, the ants who have not become gods, did not die by their own hands.

Because in the eyes of the true God.

Under the gods, they are all ants.

The scarlet light flashed in its eyes: 52 "Very resistant human beings, it's a pity that you angered this demon!"

Brush! The purple ghost flashes.

Chen Jianghe and the others' pupils suddenly shrank, and they wanted to remind them, but the speed of the demon was too fast, so fast that they couldn't even open their mouths, and the demon had already appeared behind Jiang Che.

One of its sharp claws, shimmering with dim light, with a dazzling purple light, pressed against Jiang Che's skull.

The demon's eyes were cold and piercing, and the killing intent was strong.

A casual blow did not kill the ants in his eyes.

It was vigilant in its heart.

So this hit.

It puts down pride.

no longer reserved.

It was directly erupted with terrifying strength, violent purple demonic energy, constantly surging, directly forming a demonic claw, terrifying power, shaking the void and collapsing, the power of the True God Realm blasted out without reservation, and the momentum was terrifying.

Everyone's eyes widened.

And Jiang Che also sensed the crisis.

But he twitched his lips.

"Praise the Father God-"

"Pick up!"

: Guys, the website just came out, and the next two chapters are empty, so don't click, sorry

Chapter [-] Call Dad! (first update)


Between the heavens and the earth, a tremor resounded.

Everyone's eyes widened in horror, and a picture suddenly unfolded above the void.

Vaguely visible, the scorching sun burns the sky, the Golden Crow chirps...!, On the scorching desolate land, a giant chasing the great sun.

Its rumbling footsteps almost deafened the ears of several people.

It was absolutely terrifying! Everyone was stunned.

"What is it that exists to chase the sun!"

Chen Jianghe swallowed hard.

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