"The point is, the sun is really running, it seems that he is afraid of being caught up by him"

The expression on Bai Lie's face was also the same as if he had seen a ghost: "Walking day by day, this can't be something in ancient legends, the giant praises his father."

"That era is more ancient than any myth. Could it be that such a legendary thing really existed?"

Mu Liang clenched his fists, both excited and shocked.

The picture only flickered.

Soon the giant stepped out of the void, staring at the world, and in the eyes of several people, it took a step and walked into Jiang Che's body.

In an instant.

The law of force trembled wildly.

One after another divine chain of order entangled Jiang Che's arms, his entire skin became a bronze color, his eyes were blazing white, and around his body, the void trembled, and the avenue whimpered.

His body is filled with a powerful force comparable to the stars, sun and moon.

Gently stretch out a hand.

He firmly grasped the demon's claws.

That purple-black devilish claw was unable to make any further progress.

Jiang Che exerted a little force.

Crack! Demon's claws, bones shattered into powder.

The demons were stunned.

A pair of eyes, staring round.

What kind of special effects are you, Ancient God Chasing the Sun.

The chain of laws has come out.

Are you making a movie! The demon felt a shudder from the depths of his soul, and the breath of the person in front of him brought him an absolute crush on the species level.

"You...you you you...don't be impulsive."

The demon, who was still cold and violent just now, shouted tremblingly at this moment: "We can discuss anything about it."

"If you think the contract is bad, I'll change it! Can't I change it?"

It was almost a whimper.

Seeing that Jiang Che was dragging himself with one hand, the other hand had already picked up the sledgehammer, ready to go.

The devil was in a hurry.

"Call Dad."

Jiang Che threatened.

The devil's eyes widened.

It is a noble family of demons.

Even if he were to die and his soul would be dissipated, how could he accept this kind of humiliation and be on the other side?

Some powerful men of the empire.

They were also shocked.

God is so special....call me dad.

Your angle is tricky enough. They all feel very weird in their hearts. After all, they have captured a true god powerhouse, but they are not asking the other party to make any promises or say any news. They simply want to be the other party's father. You are this What an action against the sky! In terms of destroying the mentality of the enemy.

Our demigod group of four is willing to treat you, Jiang Che, as the most coquettish! At this time, the demon's eyes are scarlet.

Staring at Jiang Che.

"Brother Jiang, be careful, this fellow is going to work hard!"

Bai Lie shouted worriedly.

Several people are worried.

Then I heard a faint moaning of mosquitoes.


Crowd: You big-eyed devil.

Are you so cowardly? "Oh, my good son."

Jiang Che grinned and said, "Good journey! Dad will miss you."

He held the hammer high in his hand.

The force of terror shattered the space.

The devil narrowed his eyes.

What's wrong with you... If you don't talk about credibility, you have to... kill me, right? Sign a wave of squeezing contracts in the opposite direction, and harvest me as a younger brother, a younger brother in the real god realm. Isn't he fragrant? The devil immediately felt very wronged.

Dad called too.

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