Permeate through life.

But on its hill-like head, there was a smirk.


A word like a muffled thunder spit out.

The long lifespan of the undead demon is... it turns into a kind of purple fire and burns, and under the purple fire, the deep holes in its body... pierced by the sword light, heal in an instant, even those. ... the sword intent of the Dao, clanking constantly, cannot stop this healing.

After all, it is something that immortality cannot deal with.

Naturally, it is not just a white Changsu who can really kill with a few swords.

The shock before the undead demon was only surprised by the special nature of this world.

A mere worm in the divine realm.

Even if its strength is suppressed, it is still impossible to see.

The purple afterimage flashed, and the huge body of the undead demon suddenly disappeared, moving at high speed in the air.

Bai Changsu's aged body trembled.

He felt a danger deep into his bones.


Chapter [-] The Battle of Brothers and Honors! (Second more)

"Magic Seal of Town!"

Earth-shattering roar.

A huge golden palm, condensed with the divine seal, slammed down, breaking the void.

Bai Changsu's eyes widened.

Can't react at all.

The steps of the undead demon were strange.

The huge body is almost completely integrated into the void.

Now it suddenly appeared from behind him, so fast that it was impossible for anyone to react.

'Bang' sound.

Bai Changsu flew out.

He could even hear the sound of his own internal organs shattering.

Boom!!!!! Above the ground, a terrifying deep pit appeared.


Chen Jianghe's eyes widened. When they saw that Senior Bai's sword pierced through the body of the undead demon, they thought they would crush him, but now, they were instantly killed. "Fuck, Bai Lie, your master was killed by a The devil was blown away with the Seal of Suppression!"

Chen Jianghe suddenly exclaimed.

Bai Lie: I'm so hacked to death, believe it or not.

"It's just a native, I really dare to compete with this seat"

The undead demon sneered at this time.

Although its power is suppressed.

But as a sanctuary creature, with magical magical powers, it is naturally not comparable to people from a mere native world.

It has slaughtered, plundered, and destroyed countless sects.

long years down.

The accumulation is very rich.

The magic and mysteries that he knows are countless.

Just using one or two of them at this time will directly make this aboriginal dumbfounded.

The Immortal Demon sneered.

"Okay, native creatures, you don't have to struggle."

"I'm not very interested in stronger ants like you now."

Its greedy eyes looked at Longquan City.

"I have been hungry for seven hundred years, and now I just want to have a good meal. The time I eat is the time I leave you to escape."

The corner of the undead demon's mouth curved into a smirk: "And the sound of this seat chewing: is the countdown to your death."

"Start now, run away like crazy!"

The devil sneered.

It enjoys the feeling of being in control of someone else's life and death.

Give the enemy a glimmer of hope.

Destroy it again! But its voice falls.

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