I saw that the few people in front of me not only did not run away.

Instead, there was a man with a sledgehammer and colorful wings growing on his back, stepping on the void and walking towards him.

"Big Brother, I've Been Hungry for Seven Hundred Years"

"How miserable."

"I have a hard dish here, do you want to eat it?"

The undead demon was stunned for a moment: "Are you talking about yourself? In terms of qi and blood, it is indeed stronger than these ants combined."

Jiang Che smiled and said nothing.

He stepped forward in the void.

Lips move slightly.

"Use an alien card—"

"Criminal days!"

This was the first time he used the Obsidian card.

Along with the dark card in his hand, it turned into an ancient force.

Jiang Che could feel that his body was instantly hot, and every time he took a step forward, his body was ten meters taller, his skin was ten times stronger, and his qi and blood were ten times stronger.

Qiujie's muscles are like giant dragons.

Constantly twisting, terribly ferocious.

In the blood vessels under his skin, it was as if magma was flowing, and there was a loud rumbling sound as the blood flowed.

His eyes were as bright as two big suns.

When Jiang Che took three steps, a picture appeared vaguely above his head.

A headless giant with a great axe and a great shield.

Unparalleled fierceness.

In the deep pit, Bai Changsu, who stood up with a long sword, widened his eyes: "Xing Tianwu is a goddess, and Mengzhi is always there."

"Is this..."

He felt a throbbing, so shocked that he was speechless.

Along with Jiang Che, he took a few steps again.

His body reached [-] meters in an instant.

Both eyes were glowing golden.

From his body, he exudes a terrifying will to fight, his flesh bursts with Shen Xi, his qi and blood are shocking, and it is even more dazzling than the sun. Just a glance can almost burn people's eyes.

Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

He can feel that his current strength, I am afraid that he can pierce the sky.

And see this scene.

The undead demon's eyes narrowed: "What a powerful blood, eating you, it is comparable to a million creatures!"

There was a very greedy look in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth were licked.

"The fairy chain, open!"

The two giant palms of the undead demons overlapped together, and the wrists were like the black iron chains of the giant dragon, which were directly broken. In an instant, a terrifying fairy light burst out, tearing the avenues of heaven and earth, and making an ear-piercing hum.

"Xuanzhen Tyrant Body Art!"

The undead demon roared, and the body instantly condensed into a layer of golden dominance.

The strength has increased several times!, "Nine Heavens God Martial Arts!"

"The Ten Directions Promise Technique!"

"Great Mysterious Refinement Immortal Body!"

Accompanied by the roar of the undead demon.

on his body.

Bless the last horror one by one.

The body of the undead demon, the immortal light rises, the phantom of the Martial Saint emerges behind him, and the top of his head evolves into a small illusory world of ten directions, in an extremely terrifying state.

the other side.

Chen Jianghe and several people were stunned:.

Nima, aren't you a devil? Shouldn't there be a lot of demonic, weird, and evil means emerging in an endless stream? At least you have to get a real body of a demon, a disintegration of a demon or something.

It's just... a magic spell, immortal art, mysterious art, is it like a word... and even use the magic seal! You're cruel! In fact, they have completely misunderstood.

The undead demon also wants to reveal the true body of the demon race and be a serious demon, but unfortunately, it can't at all! The mere purple demon.

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