It's not that other people's undead demons are not equal to their own strength.

But Lord Tiandao is too powerful.

If we meet in another world.

Facing a terrifying powerhouse of this level, Jiang Che had no choice but to turn around and run, even if he was stuck in a trap. He knew very well that if he ran a step slower, he would have to use the imprint of resurrection once.

This time I can kill such [-] million people.

A terrifying powerhouse approaching the ceiling on the bright surface of Wanjie.


Just picked up a leak.

I closed my eyes and felt it.

After using the Obsidian Card, on the basis of the previous one, the body has been directly enhanced by nearly three times.

Jiang Che looked at the panel.

Summarize this achievement.

[Energy]: [Function]: Draw cards, strengthen, select, merge [Exotic Beast Cards]: Chiyou Shenzang, Yinglong Obsidian, Yuqiang Gold, Nine-Tailed Fox Gold,...[Item]: Hell Destroys the World Hammer, Void Boots, Dragon Bone Armor, Soul Locking Nail, Yin and Parasol [Ability]: Black Shadow, Devour, Yanshan Quake, Yu Kong [Supernatural Power]: Rebirth available, Recharge: 37%, Great Seal Heavenly Art, Crow Soul Eater Soul Power: 16, Fire Mastery, Longevity 90 Years [Beast Soul]: Xingtian Obsidian, Kuafu Obsidian devoured the undead demon, the ultimate brash man with muscles all over his body.

Bringing it directly to Jiang Che, more than a hundred life essence, is equivalent to one more life.

And the soul power unit it brings.

Even more terrifying.

Just over a hundred points.

It is equivalent to replenishing the obsidian beast soul dozens of times.

One more... a catch.

That is... beast souls, inherited to Xingtian beast souls, it can be called a bloody profit! These... beast souls will come in the future.

You can also improve the quality of strength through some special elixir, or by devouring special items and strength.

Such as Kufa.

It's...that's how it's elevated.

So is gluttonous.

After killing a soul that invaded Jiang Che's soul sea, its size increased a lot.

It is worth mentioning that.

Every card with silver or above, even if it does not inherit the beast soul forever, will leave a beast soul seed in Jiang Che's mind, which will slowly nurture and eventually become a gluttonous little beast, such as the Dijiang little beast. soul.

Such a little beast.

Quality can only be regarded as a blank slate.

They will gradually become stronger, and with the stronger Jiang Che's strength, the faster their strength will increase.

And when these... beast souls.

reached silver quality.

Only then can they completely get rid of the identity of beast soul seeds and officially become a beast soul recognized by the system. It is also at that time that they will be displayed in the beast soul column. Before that, they were only seeds with the potential to become beast souls. That's it.

Like the previous one.

If the gluttonous gluttonous devoured that plant of Divine Soul Grass successfully.

Then it can jump directly to the silver quality and become the real beast soul 0... It's a pity that it was robbed by the Kuafu beast soul.

And this time, the biggest gain.

It must still be a full [-] million energy.

This gave Jiang Che a lot of confidence.

And there is another thing,

Made him a little confused.

Divine Ability: 90 Years Longevity "Does this mean that my lifespan has now reached [-] years"

An idea popped into Jiang Che's mind.

"If that's true, wouldn't it be great?"

His eyes lit up directly.

Very excited.

Jiang Che was just... a layman. He was naturally excited when he learned that he had a chance to live forever.

"My current basic strength is just enough to step into a demigod."

"It stands to reason that the true god's lifespan has just broken five or a thousand, and I now have nine thousand years of lifespan. Isn't this, almost equivalent to the lifespan of a god's seat"

"This ability is very strong!"

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