"But since it only added nine thousand years of life to me, how dare you call it "longevity"

Jiang Che looked at this magical power with some doubts.

At this moment.

A one-line description emerges.

Longevity: 10 times the life essence of one's own cultivation realm + the essence of life can be obtained, and the explanation of 10 times is given.

Jiang Che was stunned for a moment.

Immediately understood.

"That is to say, as long as I devour living beings, eat spiritual medicine, etc., I can get life essence and it is ten times ten times more! Awesome!"

Generally speaking.

The essence of life.

The biggest effect is to speed up the recovery of the body.

Elixir, all living beings contain the essence of life.

This is also why many people are injured and need to take elixir to heal their injuries.

Some magic cultivators are injured and want to suck or eat people4.

6 to help yourself recover from injuries, in fact, it is also to obtain the essence of life.

But it is impossible to say that absorbing the essence of life can increase lifespan. If that is the case, I am afraid that in the whole world, the weak and the weak will all die and be used by the strong to increase lifespan.

And the essence of life.

It cannot be stored in the body for a long time.

This is also why.

Some people can't eat the elixir for healing before the battle, and enjoy the effect of the medicine directly after the battle is injured.

But after Jiang Che possessed this magical power.

He can! From now on.

Every elixir he eats and every demon he devours will be reserved for him, which can be used as both lifespan and life essence for recovering injuries.

It's so awesome that it explodes.

It's completely the same ability as opening and hanging.

"I like this one. Compared to the superficial, overly direct, and violent hanging of the alien beast card, I prefer this simple and unpretentious one. Alas, the life of the open hanging is like this, simple and boring. , and boring. …”

Chapter [-] Demon Recovery

After learning about their new abilities.

Jiang Che was about to prepare to strengthen a wave of Longquan Mountain.

Make this your home base.

Suddenly the phone rang.

When he opened it, he saw that it was a text message, and the sender was Lingtan. He remembered that when he registered, he did note the phone number.

Jiang Che clicked on the message.

just see.

[Emergency notice! Emergency notice! The rift was opened in advance last night! All those who stepped into the devious world disappeared. Later, there were terrifying things, invasions, and the guarding of the seventeen large and small forces. There were countless casualties, and most of them were dragged. Into the rift, life and death do not know.

Fortunately, a powerful person in the empire arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable, please friends who are powerful enough to go to support! This will be the beginning of a disaster, please go to support those who are powerful enough! Organize a team to rescue fellow citizens.

After that, at two o'clock in the morning, this rift will try to close it according to the imperial strategy! At present, three celestial masters have been invited to plan a Taoist seal plan, and eighteen psychic researchers have been invited to plan a technology seal plan. .

Please come and support the seal! Please come to the 04 Empire and need you now! We need you very much!] Jiang Che's eyes froze at this news.

"Lingtan.com should also have an empire background. Now, it seems that the empire can't hold up at all?"

He muttered to himself.

Saw a lot of information from it.

Then Jiang Che clicked on Lingtan.com to check the city news.

Really saw it.

Countless civilians posted, and there were more and more evil in the city, as if demons and monsters had completely recovered, even more ferocious than the evil chaos planned by Jiang Yunni before.

"It's because of the opening of a new rift"

Jiang Che was stunned for a moment and then reacted: "The spiritual energy has reached a new stage, prompting the large-scale appearance of demons."

Generally speaking.

Every time a rift is opened.

The aura of the earth, the intensity.

It will increase a bit.

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