And the more concentrated the spiritual energy, the easier it is to promote the mutation of evil spirits.

Whether it is a dead person, a ghost evolves into a ghost, a zombie, or some old-fashioned animal evolves into a monster, all rely on the rich spiritual energy.

"It seems that since the opening of this rift, it has become the last straw that overwhelms mankind, and the age of demons has completely come."

Jiang Che sighed faintly.

This day has finally come.

This is almost more terrifying than the zombie apocalypse in the movie.

Because zombies still obey physics anyway, ordinary people can fight with firearms and artillery.

But the monster is such a thing.

Not to mention ordinary people, even a professional, monk team, if they meet, they will have a very headache.

Jiang Che flipped through his mobile phone and saw countless terrifying videos on and some online platforms that ordinary people can access. The current city is called a monster.

He thought about it and made a call.

That one.

It took five seconds to connect, and there was a sound of someone gasping for breath.

"What happened to Lao Jiang?"

Ye Liangchen panted.

Jiang Che vaguely heard it.

A sullen woman's voice sounded not far away.

"Give me my life..."

"Let me eat a bite of your heart!"

"Yo, the young couple are having fun"

Jiang Che laughed.

"The taste of the fart, if it weren't for your evil talisman, I would have died long ago."

Ye Liangchen gasped.

"Why don't you get along so bad: Dad said"

Jiang Che said.


Ye Liangchen on the other end of the phone sighed: "Everywhere is dangerous now, I know you are someone who is going to do big things, I'm just a Ye family, so it's impossible to make you a personal bodyguard with shameless skin."

"I have also awakened a level ability, and with the evil-suppressing charm you gave, I can also deal with ordinary evil spirits. I am now taking my family and rushing to a security camp, which is organized by many rich people. Famous-level powerhouses, more than ten-level powerhouses sit in town, it should be very safe."

"The current situation is very complicated. I'm afraid the security camp you mentioned is no longer safe. Take your family to the southern suburbs, the hell tunnel, and go to the mountain on the left. I live here."

Jiang Che finished speaking briefly and hung up the phone.

Since Ye Liangchen has become a capable person.

How to find the restricted area should not be taught by him.

Then Jiang Che made another call.

"Hey Jiang Da! Great, how are you doing recently, our Lu family is going to evacuate, Jiang Da, I don't know when we can see each other again... We have to go to the foundation's safe house, my aunt is going to participate in the new The crackdown on the crackdown can no longer protect the Lu family, so we have to go."

From that end came Lu Xiaoyuan's ethereal voice.

A little bit down.

After leaving this time, I don't know if I will be able to return to Dayuan City alive and see Jiang Che again.

"Don't go, come to the hell tunnel, I live on the mountain next to me."

Jiang Che concluded briefly.

And Lu Xiaoyuan heard this.

First stunned.

Then his eyes flickered, and he almost jumped up: "Well! Good Jiang Da!"

She was very happy.

As soon as they can get the protection of a god, the safety of the Lu family is guaranteed.

Second, Jiang Che can think of her at any time.

It made the little girl feel like a deer running around, her face flushed red.

Then Jiang Che made another call.

Let Zhou Banxian bring everyone from Chenjia Village over here.

There are also a few classmates who used to have good relationships, and let them bring their families here, as well as the vice president of the Huangchuan Third Hospital, Yu Chengfeng and others, the teacher who handled the Dixian incident, and a few students... Anyway, a few left a phone call.

Anyone who could be called Jiang Che's friend was called over by him.

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