With the ability in the team, everyone has a little more confidence.

But when walking through an abandoned hospital.

Weird things happened.

Chapter [-] Has the protection fee been paid? ! (Fourth, sorry for the sudden power outage last night)

It was a very old hospital, with white tiles, three stories high, and the white curtains fluttered in the wind, like women dancing and swinging their long skirts.

"Beside this big highway, there is no village in front and no store in the back, why is there a hospital suddenly?"

Many people have doubts in their hearts.

because of this hospital.

It stands impressively beside a deserted road, several kilometers before and after, not a single person or a house can be seen.

Liu Zicheng's body was full of black energy, and there was a faint tendency to burn.

He said solemnly: "Come on, don't talk too much, there is something weird in here!"

He was the only capable one present.

The ability is very comprehensive, which can enhance the physique, and can also be turned into a flame to burn, while enhancing perception, etc.


Liu Zicheng saw it at a glance.

This hospital is very abnormal! "Think about it, a hospital that looks abandoned for more than ten years, how could there be such a white and intact curtain."

Yu Danian also reminded: "Don't stare at it, drive over quickly!"

Everyone heard him.


Yes! This hospital seems to have been abandoned for more than ten years. Even the glass door has been smashed by something, and the windows have been smashed by birds or something. You can vaguely see inside. dust, etc.

Several people accelerated, trying to cross this section of road.

But suddenly.

Something happened that made everyone's scalp tingle.

"its not right!"

Luo Lili's husband shouted in a low voice on the mobile phone channel: "Are you still there? Are you still there? It seems that this road... can't get out!"

Silence for a few seconds.

Soon, the voices of several people came from the channel.

"Me too."

"Me too, no matter how you open it, you can see the hospitals on both sides."

Can't find a mouth at all."

Hear what people say.

Liu Zicheng, Yu Danian, Zhao Wu and others.

His face darkened.

"This is a ghost hitting the wall"

"But what kind of ghost hit the wall to make a convoy of dozens of people completely trapped"

A few horrors.

You must know that the power of ghosts is also determined by their own strength.

Ordinary ghost.

Trapping three or five people,,, is already the limit.

In the hearts of several people, a name that made their scalps explode almost at the same time.

Specter in red! "Dad, the window, the window has changed color!"

At this time, the little girl, Zhao Jiajia suddenly pointed to the hospital on the side of the road and shouted, "There seems to be a young lady coming out there."

"change color"

Everyone's face changed.

Turning to look over.

Yu Danian was stunned: "No."

In the eyes of several people, the curtains of the hospital are still impressively white.

Did not change color.

And this time.

Liu Zicheng's eyes turned pitch black, staring at Zhao Jiajia for half a minute, he suddenly shouted: "If you stop, if you accelerate again, you will have a car accident. If you are hit by a ghost, you can't get out just by accelerating."

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