He shouted and stopped all vehicles.

Many drivers were a little flustered and tried to accelerate and rush out.

This makes it easier for things to happen.

呲呲呲——!! Harsh braking sound.

The convoy stopped.

Everyone was silent.

And this time.

Liu Zicheng suddenly walked up to Zhao Jiajia, rubbed her little head, and asked, "Little girl, what did you just see, Miss, where are you now?"

The little girl also seemed a little puzzled, and stared at the direction for a long time: "Mingming just jumped out of the window, why did it disappear all of a sudden?"

Zhao Jiajia looks left and right: Swipe.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he stretched out a small hand and pointed to a car: "There! There!"

Liu Zicheng was taken aback.

And this time.


A miserable scream suddenly sounded.

Look in the direction, it's the car.


"Come over!"

A few people rushed over and saw that the back row of a family of three in the dark black car was completely filled with blood red.

"Jie Jie"

A cold, hoarse female voice.

It came out of the car.

"Are you a doctor, can you, give me back my...heart"

"Doctor, please give me back my heart and cornea!"

"And my kidneys, liver..."

Liu Zicheng couldn't listen anymore.

A punch slammed out fiercely, and under the lingering black energy, violent energy erupted.

Boom!! A loud bang.

Windows shattered and glass shards flew.

"Look, without these things, my stomach is so empty now."

The miserable voice became more and more cold.

There was almost ice in the car.

Several people smashed the window to see it.

A terrified young man was leaning against the window, and facing the crowd was a woman wearing a scarlet sick gown, all her clothes were lifted.

But without the slightest hint of spring.

Because in front of her, it was bloody—empty! You could see the ribs.

Just like the empty mannequins seen in biology class before, all the internal organs have been hollowed out, leaving only an empty body and a few broken intestines.

And different from the model is.

It's true! Still: dripping blood! It's as if someone had emptied out the guts and other things yesterday.

The female ghost with empty eyes and black blood flowing from all seven orifices shouted sternly: "Give me back my internal organs, please give me back the doctor!!"

"I just want to sell a kidney, why did you tear me apart!"

Everyone immediately understood.

this hospital.

I am afraid it is the kind of black hospital that used to sell kidneys to buy love crazy.

And they often do that kind of... black business, others want to sell a kidney, but the hospital hacks the whole person, dismantles them, and sells them for organs.

"Don't be impulsive, we are not doctors, and we are very sympathetic to your experience."

Liu Zicheng opened the car door as he spoke.

He hit hard.

He took Zhu Zhibing out and threw it aside.

Then his eyes gestured.

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