Father, Wife, Daughter, Grandpa, Grandma.

All of them looked at the back with very vicious eyes, and cut off their own family before.

In their eyes, there were very gloomy expressions, and in their hands, they grabbed the dining knife they had just thrown away.


Qianmu smiled and walked out of the villa.

A family that killed each other without even looking behind them.

"Human beings are... so fragile, selfish, and easy to incite and provoke."

Chapter [-] Physical Influence (fourth more)

On the other side, on Longquan Mountain.

After Jiang Che planted the black lotus seeds that destroyed the world, he originally planned to pick up a wave. Those friends, after all, the danger level must be very high under the outbreak of the demon beast.

But suddenly.

Just a few seconds after he planted the lotus seeds.

Click! A sprout emerged from the ground.

A trace of black world-destroying power flowed out from the tender bud and stained Jiang Che's body.

"Ding, are you starting to refine the world-destroying black lotus?"

Jiang Che was stunned for a while.

Only then did I discover that even after being strengthened, the World Extinguishing Black Lotus did not appear to recognize the master.

"It seems that this is indeed an incredible treasure. It should be beyond a certain level, reaching a level that the mountain and sea bosses can't easily control, and the system can't let it recognize me at one time."

After Jiang Che murmured a word, he asked, "Can I come back later to recognize the Lord?"

"Ding, there is only one chance to recognize an item at the treasure level of the universe. When it first forms, germinates, refines, and nurtures it. After [-] seconds of contact with the universe, it will form an autonomous consciousness and hide in the void to escape. "

Then there's no way.

Jiang Che finally chose: "Begin to recognize the Lord."

Anyway... even if he were to respond, he would be watching from a high altitude, and at most, he would make a move at the juncture of life and death.

Because of the current doomsday.

If he kept these people in an absolutely safe environment in the past, it would be harmful to them. The reason why Jiang Che didn't start out, he went out to find these people, or directly asked the king next door, Su Mei to go there. Help meet it.

It is also with this plan.

If his friends, he wouldn't even be able to get here.

Even if I can protect them for a while......, I can't protect them forever.

"Ding, the cosmic treasure level item needs to be manually recognized by the host, and the system only provides solutions."

"Ding, the current treasure is the juvenile of the world-destroying black lotus. When it grows to a complete body, it can surpass the best immortal weapon and become an immortal weapon. After swallowing a universe, there is a probability of being promoted to the supreme weapon. It is invincible in battle, and it is very powerful."

"The identification of the owner of this kind of treasure is usually watered with drops of blood, which influences the innate artifact spirit in it and makes it take the initiative to identify the owner."

"Ding, the innate artifact spirit is an ignorant body of consciousness. It can only breed after wandering in the universe for ten thousand years. After feeling the sincerity of the host, it will be willing to recognize the host. It is recommended that the host pour more than half of the blood in the body."

with a system prompt.

Jiang Che also saw that on the seedling in front of him, a pitch-black lotus flower, the size of a thumb, was born. There seemed to be a mass of gray and fuzzy energy on it, and there was a faint consciousness coming from it.

But to pour blood on half of the body.

This made Jiang Che hesitate, not because he was afraid of the pain, but because he felt that it was true that he didn't have a face.

Let an object recognize its owner.

However, he still has to make the master half-dead. Jiang Che pondered for a while: "Just now, the system seems to have talked about influence, artifact spirit, let it take the initiative to recognize the master"

"So to speak..."

He stroked the handle of the hammer beside him twice, and his eyes gradually lit up: "Probation, I seem to be very good at this!"

"Tool Spirit, I count to three, recognize the master, or die!"

Jiang Che's eyes shone with cold light, facing the world-destroying black lotus seed's artifact spirit, that is... a loud drink.


with his will.

The entire Longquan Mountain.

Get restless.

The power of the entire Jiuxuan Ancient Dojo.

All were mobilized.

For a time, thunder and lightning flashed here, sword qi pierced the sky, all kinds of forces, one after another terrifying and astonishing picture scrolls, all eyeing the black lotus seeds of the world.

Plus the giant hammer in Jiang Che's hand.

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