In the black lotus seed of extinction.

That... the vague artifact was stunned.

Are you a devil? You threaten an unborn baby like this. Although it is a very powerful tool, its rank is terrifying.

But now it's only a mere infancy, and even the main body, the black lotus flower, has not even bloomed.

It's really arrogant! The key is who can think of it.

There will be someone who treats a plant so rudely, but can grow into a seedling neurosis that is one of the most terrifying treasures in the heavens and the world!! You look like you will destroy me if you disagree.

What's going on! The black lotus seed artifact is about to cry.

It feels itself deeply.

As a cosmic treasure.

Not getting the respect it deserves.

It made up its mind.

Even if he was struck to death by lightning or burned to death today, he would never surrender! A cosmic treasure.

Dignity is in! "One!"

A loud drink.

The seedling trembled.


The spirit was stunned.

What's the matter... Counting to three is such that your two 2s are eaten by the dog! Without giving it a chance to think too much.

A sledgehammer crashed down.

Bang!!!"Ding,...the system seems to be hesitant to speak.

But in the end he didn't say a word.

A deep hole appeared in place.

At the edge of the deep pit, a seedling poked its head tremblingly.

The spirits were stunned.

What's so special... It's too hard to smash you if you say it! And at this time, Jiang Che took the sledgehammer and strode over.

"Yo is not dead yet, another hammer."

Qi Ling suddenly froze.

The seedling trembled back and forth, as if bowing and bowing.

Wrong! Wrong! Dad, can't I recognize the master? I recognize the master! Dad, you are the most handsome.

It's very frustrating to spare the baby's life.

An idea, following the dark power of destroying the world, entered Jiang Che's mind.

Then he put away the hammer, stretched out a hand, and pressed the seedling: "That's right, it's all from the family, why is it so unpleasant and unpleasant?"

Artifact Spirit:...You are such a real dog, buy it! Accompanied by countless complicated symbols looming in the void.

Wrapped around Jiang Che's arm.

Jiang Che vaguely felt that some kind of inseparable connection had begun to be established between himself and this seedling.

And at the same time.

He also slowly learned about the strength of this future supreme weapon.

Pictures after pictures emerged in the back of Jiang Che's mind, and he began to witness the astonishing achievements of each generation of the world-destroying black lotus.

This lotus flower has been inherited from a very long time.

When it was at its peak, it slaughtered ancient emperors, slaughtered immortals, smashed a world, and sealed a long river of time, and finally it was miraculously inherited. The next lotus seed has survived until now, and it has become one of the most valuable items in the universe.

Chapter [-]: The Horrible Split-faced Woman (First More,)

"God Punishment!"

The dark tunnel was instantly illuminated.

A dazzling white light turned into a sacred beam of light and slammed on the suicide ghost.

Boom!! A loud bang.

There was an explosion on the spot.


The suicidal ghost let out a shrill scream, and she was originally besieged, and her skin was torn in many places.

Now being bombarded by the beam of holy light, her body was scorched fiercely, her skin burned in large chunks, and her soul suffered bone-piercing pain.

Suicide ghost body around.

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