That blurry picture.

The remnant souls who were bewitched by her to commit suicide, the source of her power.

They are also terrifyingly light.

Instant annihilation.

"Come on, do it!"

The dignified Lu Yun in the past now carried the sacred Pope's scepter, rolled up his sleeves and rushed up.

The rest were stunned for a long time.

"Auntie this..."

Lu Xiaoyuan opened his mouth wide: "Why is it a bit like Jiang Da's fighting style?"

Speaking of 'dry ghost', Yu Chengfeng also came to the spirit.

His eyes lit up, he picked up the chainsaw, and with a rumbling sound, "Charge! I'll lead the charge!!"

see this scene.

More than a dozen priests of the Lu family.

They looked at each other, and a light gradually flickered in their eyes.

They all looked at the suicidal female ghost.


The female ghost whose soul body has been burned to such a degree that it was drowned by a group of vicious priests, carrying scepters, bricks, etc.

510 plus Chengfeng, a dog with a chainsaw.

Among all the ordinary people of the Lu family, everyone in the convoy who woke up.

The dog was stunned.

The female ghost was directly beaten until her soul was broken, and she let out a very shrill scream.

It can be said that in the exorcism world of Dayuan City, a large part of the people, under the influence of Jiang Che, have acquired a rather ferocious way of exorcising ghosts. Even a dignified female priest like Lu Yun has actually learned to hold the power. Knock people with sticks.

five minutes later.

There was only a cloud of black smoke left.

A vaguely unwilling and miserable voice echoed in the tunnel, and a group of teams had already left the tunnel.

ten minutes later.

The faint lights in the tunnel suddenly flickered violently.

Flickering and dark, very strange.

Outside the tunnel, a figure wearing a blood-red dress, from a distance, in a blink of an eye, advanced more than ten meters, and within a few breaths, he entered the tunnel.

This woman is very weird.

The face was split from the middle, extremely hideous, and there seemed to be a smaller face with a weird smile hidden inside.

The split-faced woman walked to the place where the suicide ghost was hammered to death.

Staring at the black air scattered on the ground.

In her eyes, a strange red light suddenly burst out, under this red light.

Ka-ka-ka! The entire tunnel, on the rock wall, cracked one after another terrifying cracks, almost collapsed!

In the tunnel, a cold and harsh voice echoed.

And the split-faced woman has disappeared.

the other side.

On the road, a huge convoy moved forward.

Then there's... less than ten kilometers, and everyone is beaming with joy.

But suddenly, when passing a fork in the road.

Click! A voice sounded.

The car in front jolted violently.

Zhao Wu was stunned for a moment, looked up a few times, his pupils stared slightly: "The road is cracked, be careful!"

Only the road ahead.

Suddenly a gap opened.

in the fleet.

Lu Yun frowned, vaguely aware that something was wrong, but she didn't wait for her to react.

Thorn! A long tearing sound, in the stunned eyes of everyone, the ground in front was directly torn open by some kind of strange force, and it directly reached a width of more than one meter.

"Quick, the one in front drives over, the one in the back reverses!"

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