Yu Chengfeng reacted.

he shouted loudly.

Following his words, the group followed suit, the row of cars that had stepped through the cracks in front ran forward, and the cars in the back retreated collectively.

And this time.

Thorn! The terrifying tearing sound resounded again.

That crack was actually torn apart, a gap more than two meters wide, and the bottom was bottomless, and there was a tendency to crack again.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

If Yu Chengfeng hadn't reminded him just now, I'm afraid some cars would have fallen into this ditch, or even the whole car would have fallen and been buried by the ground seam.

people in the car.

There must be no body to be found! "There is something strange, the ground did not shake violently, and it can be ruled out that it was caused by an earthquake."

At this time, in the investigation team, a group of people with functional abilities made a judgment.

"That crack seems to have a bloody smell!"

Henry Zhang reminded.

His five senses are very sensitive.

Hearing his words, everyone's pupils dilated and looked at the fissure, and suddenly felt a chill down their spines, because at the edge of the fissure, they really saw bloodstains! It was as if it was not the earth that was torn, but human skin.


"It hurts!"

"My face hurts so much..."

Suddenly, there was a 'kakaka' sound all over the earth, the sky suddenly darkened, and vaguely, sand and dust were blowing around, and everyone's sight was hidden.

Someone was horrified to find out.

The earth under my feet is cracked! The earth seems to open its mouth and swallow everyone.

"Auntie, what should I do?"

"Master Lu, what the hell happened?"

Everyone looked at the only backbone, the only high-level powerhouse present - Lu Yun.

And this time.

Wearing a large priest's robe, Lu Yun looked towards the end of the earth. In the dust, it was like a strip of red cloth, and a blood-red figure floated over. In her eyes, there was a strong color of fear: "It's evil! Peak! Evil!"

Everyone's eyes widened.

Breathing stagnation.

Peak Evil Light is a suicidal ghost, a common evil spirit.

Almost wiped out the team.

Now there is a peak-level existence.

And at every turn... tearing the earth apart, how can you play "It's you who ruined the plan of Lord Qianmu"

In the sand, the red figure made a cold voice: "You asked me, it's hard to explain, let's just do this, you commit suicide collectively, and see if you can hatch another suicide ghost."

"How about it"

The woman's voice was strange, and it seemed that two voices overlapped.

Everyone just heard the voice.

I suddenly felt terrified that the skin on my body had a vague feeling that it was about to be torn.

Luo Lili tightly covered her stomach: "No! No!"

On her stomach, there was already a faint jagged bloodstain that was slowly forming. I am afraid that if she went further, her stomach would split open and become bloody.

"not talking"


The split-faced woman's laughter was like the trembling of plastic rubbing, and she jokingly smiled: "Then I'll show you first, and then let's talk about what's in my stomach."

"Can't wait any longer, come on!"

Lu Yun suddenly burst out.

A dazzling divine light burst out from her body, the scepter in her hand, the divine light burst out, and she directly turned into a light and shadow and rushed up.

Yu Chengfeng stirred up a blue light all over his body, his eyes were fierce, and he rushed up.

Liu Zicheng's body burned with demonic flames.

At this moment, all the capable people in the team were very tacit, and at the same time, they shot the most terrifying ultimate move, because this woman brought them an indescribable sense of fear! Even many capable people.

The skin also felt like it was about to crack.

This split-faced girl is terrible!: Some of the gold master's father said that he wrote it on behalf of him, but he really didn't. I just revisited the supernatural style of the original writing, but I didn't substitute it into Jiang's father's perspective, but these... For those who have been influenced by his fighting style, since everyone doesn't like it, this part should end as soon as possible, and let Jiang Daddy go to invade the foreign land...

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