Chapter [-] Staff Gather (Second)

In the face of dozens of capable people, 1 each strikes with all their strength.

The split-faced girl, the face hidden in the crack, just grinned: "Hehe, you guys also want to taste the pain I have experienced?"

She waved her hand and fired a bloody drill, which slammed into Lu Yun's arm.

Thorn! The sleeves of the white priest's robe are torn.

On Lu Yunhao's white left arm, a long bloody mouth was torn out directly, with a scarlet resentment attached to it, like a maggot on the tarsus, constantly pulling at her flesh and blood.


As strong as this..., a strong woman who had traveled through the hail of bullets before the multi-national peacekeeping, spiritual energy, and recovery, she couldn't help but let out a scream.

"God said that the devil should be turned into ashes!"

Lu Yun gritted her teeth and shouted out a few words.

In her hand, the scepter suddenly burst into a ball of holy fire, mixed with a hint of gold, and slammed into the cracked girl.

And at the same time.

The attacks of the rest of the powers have also arrived.

The violent wind blade, the bricks thrown over, and the light of the kingdom of God sacrificed by a dozen priests, slammed into it fiercely, directly drowning the cracked girl.

Bang! Boom! Amidst the repeated bombardment, a deep pit appeared where the split-faced woman stood.

Everyone stared at the smoke and dust, and suddenly.

Swipe! There is a loud sound of wind.

Yu Chengfeng's eyes widened: "Master Lu, be careful!"

I saw a flash of blood.

She didn't know when, she had already appeared behind Lu Yun. What made all capable people almost desperate was that their desperate blows didn't even touch the corners of other people's clothes. Except for the left chest, there was a mass of sacks. Apart from the burning traces of the holy flame, her body was intact. What was even more terrifying was that at this moment, her face was the size of a wheel, and her entire face was split vertically, like a huge mouth in the abyss.

The shadow of death shrouded Lu Yun.


Lu Xiaoyuan cried out in despair.

And this time.

Suddenly, there were two cold hums in the air.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the cold hum came from the cross: on both sides of the intersection, but strangely, everyone only saw that there was a huge convoy on the left, five trucks with a load of 60 people and [-] people.

An old man is coming at a fast pace.

The old man is majestic, full of qi and blood, and is obviously a strong martial artist.

And the right side.

But it was the voice of no one like just now, did everyone hallucinate?

A trace of regret flashed in Yu Chengfeng's eyes. Although the old man's strength is good, his speed is not fast. As a speed-related person, he can tell at a glance that when the old man rushes over, Master Lu may have already entered the stomach of the slit girl. .

But this time.

There was a shudder in the air.

And then.

In the eyes of everyone, at the side intersection, a golden dragon phantom rushed out, and the speed was so fast that in the eyes of many people, almost only a golden light flashed.

Roar! The sound of the dragon's roar.

It shocked everyone's mind for a moment.

Bang!! The golden dragon flew by and slammed into the split-faced woman's body, knocking her out.

The golden light spread out, and a woman wearing a black leather coat and leather pants, with bare skin, appeared in front of everyone.


Chen Shijiao let out a low voice.

At the intersection on the right, there are several powerful breaths rushing out.

One of them took out two yellow paper talismans in his hand, with a mysterious breath.

An old woman followed by two black and red paper figurines, the paper figurines were so strong that they cut through the air.

A young man carrying a coffin.

There is also a watchman with a side.... a gong.

This was the people in the Chenjia Village. After Jiang Che's call, they rushed over the mountains and rivers in several Zhou Banxian, improved, mysterious-item-level cars.

Zhou Banxian's figure flickered and rushed to the huge gap, and two chapters of yellow paper talismans were photographed.

He snorted: "Earth cover!"

The earth shook, and the cracks slowly closed, but Zhou Banxian's face also paled a bit.

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