
"Come on!"

All ordinary people reacted, started the car, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed forward in a flash.

"The abilities below, all leave!"

Chen Shijiao shouted coldly, her tone dignified.

She awakened the blood of the Chen family and understood the secret techniques of the family. Although she had only just stepped into the level, her combat power was quite impressive, and she could smash the cracked face of the peak with one blow.

And this time.

A mournful howl suddenly sounded from the front.

"Ah! It hurts!"

"My face! My face! It hurts..."

I saw the split-faced girl who was rammed into the deep pit by Chen Shijiao and walked out slowly.

The pupils of the remaining strong men shrank sharply, and the split-faced girl at this time has changed too much.

Her whole face.

Completely cracked.

The little face inside actually cracked open, and the woman with the cracked face radiated a terrifying aura. She seemed to have sacrificed something and temporarily stepped into the realm of a half-step king... "Go, Let’s fight and retreat, we’re not far from our destination!”

Chen Shijiao said.

Her eyes were full of light, and vaguely, two golden dragons were swimming under her eyes.

On Chen Shijiao's body, a golden divine flame ignited, and the whole person was terrifying, faintly reaching the pinnacle.


The split-faced woman's aura was even more terrifying, and her figure flashed, and she was already punching out fiercely, shattering the air, and making a harsh sound.

Chen Shijiao punched.

Bang! She was smashed back ten steps, and the split-faced woman, motionless, with a hideous expression on her face, was about to pursue, but at this time, a group of holy flames appeared on the way she rushed forward.

The split-faced woman took a step.

Avoid this very restrained evil holy flame.

Can be followed.

A deafening shudder sounded directly in the ears of the split-faced woman, which was a beater.

The split-faced woman suddenly felt that her soul trembled, and for a moment, her mind became blank.

"If you want to hurt the enemy, you must first hurt yourself!"

At this time, the old man Han Yuanlong stepped out, and he broke out a very terrifying move, suddenly punched, and slammed into the stunned face of the woman.

This punch was like a truck hit.

Directly smashed the split-faced girl out and slammed into the cliff next to her.

Zhou Banxian posted another Fengyan Talisman.

It turned into a huge piece of granite and tightly sealed the entrance of the cave.

Chapter [-] Calculation! (third more)

Wait for the split-faced woman to tear up the rocks and rush out.

She showed a very resentful expression: "Ah!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

I saw that a few people had already run to the end of the road, and the split-faced woman naturally burst out with a terrifying speed, trampling deep pits on the ground and chasing after them.

The group fought and retreated like this.

Although the split face girl is very fierce.

But they have, no matter what, there are seven-level powerhouses, and they have different abilities, and they are all very powerful.

With the cooperation of several people.

There were no casualties, and to a certain extent, it hindered the speed of the split-faced woman and strived for the escape speed for the team.

And here, it's less than ten kilometers away from Jiang Che's mountain. For... the team and the capable people, it's only a matter of minutes...

the other side.

In the southern suburb of Dayuan City, in a community, "[-]"

Many people were driven to the community square by a group of ghosts, and a male ghost with dark lines on his face was directing all kinds of ghosts in action.

If Yu Chengfeng is here.

It must be recognized that this is the evil that he has seen before, and this community is also the community where Yu Chengfeng lives.

Everyone was gathered in the square under the community.

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