These people are not dead.

Everyone's body is shaking.

In the center of the square, a strange pattern was drawn with blood.

Beside the blood formation, stood a man in a suit, with a thousand eyes, there was some kind of fanaticism in his eyes, and he murmured in a low voice.

"Draw the lines with the blood of the most virtuous."

"With the most unrighteous people as spectators."

"Sacrificing the most cowardly soul..."

"Call the villains in the abyss, the devil in hell, obliterate the rules of the world, and bring all the evil from the source to the earth... Hahahahahaha!"

Thousands of eyes showed a morbid smile.

The body trembled, like a madman.

The most immoral person will kill even his own family. This is the thousand-eye visit to a hundred families. When those family members began to kill each other, they took out the blood they stabbed at their relatives, the first knife, assembled.

The most unrighteous person.

It can be seen that all the people gathered are not only trembling because of fear, but some people's hands and bodies are stained with blood, which is the blood of their friends.

These... ghosts, arrest these people.

Lock them and their friends in the toilet.

The blood continued to spread.

To flood the entire toilet.

Only when one of the two dies, can the other survive, and these people all survive.

In the community, countless people were surrounded, and their eyes were full of enthusiasm.

But this time.

Qianmu smiled for a while... and his face suddenly became abrupt.

"Why hasn't greed come back?"

A fat ghost covered in fire wiped away the cold sweat that didn't exist: "Back to the boss, she just went after the suicide ghost."

Qianmu glanced at it coldly.

Light flashed in his eyes, and a pitch-black eyeball suddenly appeared in the void behind him.

The eyeballs blinked twice, looking in one direction, the color in the eyes gradually changed to black, revealing a depressing breath.

Qianmu's eyes narrowed: "She's going to die."

When it comes to the death of his subordinates, he does not have the slightest emotional fluctuations, but is a little dissatisfied: "Trash!"

Qianmu once again ordered that eye to widen, trying to see clearly how greed died, but suddenly, a cold sword light appeared in his eyes.

Whoops! Eyes shattered.

Thousands of eyes snorted: "What the hell?"

"How dare you stop the devil's coming, damn it!"

His voice was so cold that it would freeze into ice: "Go!"

After speaking, the figure of Qianmu rose into the sky and flew towards the southern suburbs, while Fatty hesitated for a while.

He took a few steps back and said to a ghost with only one layer of human skin and dark facial features: "Arrogant, the boss is crazy, he has lost his usual reason, maybe the voice of the abyss has affected him, let's stop this wave. Come on, run away."

The fat man understood very well.

I don't know how many distances other people can be far away, a sword intent will cut through a thousand eyes, and if you go up there, isn't it just a pity.

When the fat man said it out.

A dry voice came from the dark shadow: "If you dare to leave, I will kill you."

The fat man stared.

About to fire.

He heard an arrogant, calm voice and continued: "Lazy, you are too timid, you have never heard the voice from the abyss, how do you know what the boss's trump card is?"


Ao's voice paused for a while, and looked very high: "If he dies, we should take over the deal he made with the master of the second penalty area, lazy, I need you."

"You and I join forces, and it is possible to eat the reward."

Hear arrogant words.

The fat man, that is to say, lazy, has set off a huge wave in his heart.

He does know.

It was some time ago that I stepped into the rank, and arrogance, almost after the terrifying factory incident, was shocked by the strength of the terrifying Hammer King.

He stepped in.

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