Coupled with this outburst of spiritual tide.

I am afraid that arrogance has reached the sixth stage.

What kind of deal can make such a strong man need to add another level to himself to have the courage to get paid? "That deal was negotiated by you and the boss, you must tell me, what is the deal? What, or I'll leave immediately!"

The lazy voice also sank.

Arrogant dark face, stared at it for a few seconds.

With a hoarse voice, it sounded: "It's very simple, the turmoil, the master of the second restricted area, needs a huge turmoil."

"And the voice in the abyss has also urged us for a long time. They came up with it. In this way, it is just right to call the abyss and complete the commission of the second restricted zone master."

"This is... what the boss is going to do."

Lazy squinted his eyes: "But now, the plan has failed, and the calling ceremony cannot be started normally..."

Arrogant and disdain: 2.

As I said, you have never heard the voice from the abyss, so how do you know how many rituals there are?"

"A mad believer who is strong enough to dedicate himself can also call out the door of the abyss."

After hearing this sentence, Fatty Ghost widened his eyes, as if he had figured out something.

"Could it be that……"

"That's right."

On the arrogant and dark face, a very strange shape appeared to be laughing: "So, the suicidal ghost thinks that the loud noise in the city will affect her ability."

Sloth widened his eyes.

Looking at Arrogance in horror, he pointed at him: ", you, you dare to trick the boss!"

He is too clear.

The noisy sound is absolutely impossible to affect the ability of an evil-level ghost.


Arrogant babble can!

Chapter [-] Evil Monarch - Thousand Eyes! (fourth more)

At this time, the Ye family, who were temporarily stationed on Longquan Mountain, halfway up the mountain, suddenly saw a long convoy approaching, including private cars and trucks, soaring so fast that they seemed to be in a hurry.

on the road.

Yu Chengfeng's whole body burst into azure light.

Increase the speed of the entire fleet.

The convoy rushed into Longquan Mountain, and behind the convoy, the sound of the shocking battle resounded, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

A variety of powerful moves burst out.

in smoke.

A face is bigger than a car, the whole body bursts, a strangely twisted, three-meter blood-colored monster is chasing and killing seven people.

"You're all going to die! You're all going to die!"

"Come on, feel the pain I used to be!"

The split-faced woman roared miserably.

And after Chen Shijiao blasted out a golden dragon phantom again, blocking the monster's footsteps, she finally couldn't help it and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Several people's faces changed slightly.


"Rush into this mountain, there seems to be a formation here, I hope it can be blocked for a moment!"

Zhou Banxian shouted.

He didn't hold out much hope for this.

Because Jiang Che is a reckless man with a sledgehammer, it is hard for people to believe that he can arrange any subtle formations.

Several people were very embarrassed.

0 quickly flees forward.

After all, they are just ordinary.

To measure by magnitude.

Maybe they add up to be comparable to the magnitude of the split-faced woman, so if you really have to fight hard, they will definitely not be able to do it, and hindering the split-faced woman's pace along the way has also caused a few people to be injured not lightly. .

The back of Han Yuanlong's two fists: , has been torn open several bloodstains, and the bones are clank.

Zhou Banxian also used the forbidden talisman twice.

His face paled.

Swipe! Several people were fast, and they used their means to rush into Longquan Mountain, but they didn't dare to stop and continued to run upwards.

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