
The split-faced woman who has almost completely become a monster, roared: "Don't even try to run away! All have to die!"

Her body suddenly turned into a blood shadow and rushed up.

But when she's in the air.


The cruel expression suddenly froze.


Showing great horror.

Chen Shijiao, seven people, noticed that the surroundings seemed to be brighter, like... a snow-white light flashed after.

There was a sudden silence behind them.

The roar of the split-faced woman disappeared.

Sha Sha Sha Sha! The sound of meat pieces falling.

Several people froze fiercely, turned around, and widened their eyes.


"What happened just now, the evil spirits who chased and killed us all the way, just died like this"

Chen Yuxuan's gong fell to the ground with a 'bang': This is so evil, even if the king wants to deal with her, at least three punches and two kicks are required!"

"Master Jiang's formation is so strong."

The coffin bearer looked stunned.

Han Yuanlong's mouth also twitched. If he had known, asking Jiang Che to set up this formation for the Han family would not make money. "Master Jiang! Sure enough, he is a master!"

Zhou blushed with excitement: "I knew at the time that, looking at his words and demeanor, it must be more than just a reckless man with a sledgehammer."

"I get it! I totally get it!"

Zhou Banxian's eyes flashed: "We are all deceived by Master Jiang's appearance!"

"Look at this array of sword energy, this immortal mountain shrouded in clouds and mist, it all shows that, in fact, Master Jiang was asked by a cultivator, a Taoist real person is a real hermit, and the sledgehammer is just him. The camouflage of the man is hidden in the world, a good method, a good method!"

Zhou Banxian's brain tonic ability can be described as very strong.

In an instant, Jiang Che added a series of mysterious settings that Jiang Che himself did not know about.

Lu Yun and Chen Shijiao heard it, and their eyes were filled with brilliance.

Women after all.

It's just... I like men who are mysterious and have stories.

Although they also like stubborn guys.

But that... just a liking that floats in the flesh.

you can say it this way.

If it was said before, they were just greedy for Jiang Che's body.

Then, when Jiang Che was given the image of a mysterious hermit master, there was another feeling in their hearts, greedy for his soul and greed for his sincerity.

And this time.

Just when a few people breathed a sigh of relief, they planned to greet the convoy to go up the mountain.


The sky darkened.

A cold voice sounded.

"Kill my subordinates, how bold!"

In the sky, it darkened in an instant, and above the void, suddenly opened, one eye after another, these eyes were big and small, some blood red, some charm blue, dark purple, some as big as a bullfight, some So small it's almost invisible.

And there is one thing in common.

That is, these... eyeballs, all alive! Every eyeball is blinking.

It seems to have life.

And these... all the eyeballs exude powerful fluctuations of power, just a random eyeball, it surpasses the level! Thousands of eyeballs.

All! This scene.

It's just too appalling.

Everyone's eyes widened in horror, sensing an invisible pressure falling on them.

When the sky completely darkened.

As if the end was coming.

And under the dark sky, there is a figure, stepping through the void and coming.

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