when he appeared.

All the eyeballs are like, watching the emperor, watching the appearance of this person.

Make everyone.

Involuntarily, he turned his attention to him.

"Evil Lord—"

Han Yuanlong's eyes widened, his face gloomy like a piece of ice: "Thousand eyes!"

Hear this name.

Lu Yun's delicate body trembled.

the other side.

In the convoy, all the capable people, the capable people of the Han family group, the investigation team members, the pastor of the Lu family, etc..., all trembled in their hearts and livers, their bodies trembled, and they felt that their breathing was about to stagnate.

Generally speaking.

All 5 cities have some frightening evils.

Of course.

Dayuan City does not.

The most frightening thing is... Jiang Che.

As for the evil spirits that once made people fearful in Dayuan City, they were killed by Jiang Che long ago.

Except for the cities.

every big state.

There will also be a superhero in the evil, with a reputation, often such a boss is a freak that even the empire cannot easily remove, and it is very terrifying.

For example, the evil overlord of Nanping Prefecture - Xiejun Qianmu.

It's not the best in its own right.

Just a half-step god.

But its ability is too strange, every person, ghost, and eyeball he kills will be dug out by him, and instead, it will store most of the power of that creature and be refined into evil eyes.

Fight for a thousand eyes.

Each evil eye, according to its ability before death, will have a very strange and powerful power.

And Qianmu can also cultivate its evil eyes and make it stronger.

That is, under this strange ability.

In the end, the evil monarch Qianmu was in such a terrifying state. With a wave of his hand, thousands of king-level evil eyes occupied the entire sky. This place almost became his domain.

A thousand evil eyes.

became his army.

Qianmu has almost become the supreme monarch. With thousands of evil eyes and the blessing of secret techniques, to a certain extent, he is even more desperate than the gods.

Chapter [-] is not worthy to let Jiang Mou draw the hammer (the first update, Jiang Mangfu is back, please sign for your cute)

Thousands of eyes hang in the void, staring at him, like a supreme king.

The whole world was accompanied by his appearance, and there were gusts of gloomy wind, and the evil eyes filled the sky, powerful and ferocious, making people feel chills in their hearts, and they felt that their souls were about to be torn out.

"It was you who destroyed the ceremony of the advent of Allah."

Thousands of eyes looked at Chen Shijiao and the others, and the voice was frantic: "The blockers will eventually be crushed, and the car of the devil will travel all over the heavens and the world!"

In an instant, all the terrifying eyes looked over at the same time.

"Humph! Formation method and insect carving trick!"

A thousand eyes glanced, and on the ground, the split-faced woman who was cut into pieces of meat, he waved his hand.

A khaki-colored, rock-shaped giant evil eye rushed up, and in this evil eye, a yellow divine light flashed, and countless rocks shot out from the earth.

All crushed stones.

All condensed outside this eyeball.

In just a few breaths, a solid giant rock ball the size of a basketball court was formed. It was as huge as several high-rise buildings stacked together.

The rock ball that covered the sky smashed at Chen Shijiao and the others.

On the ground, a large terrifying shadow appeared.

If this hit is real, the entire convoy, nearly a thousand people, will probably all die.

This is... the terror of the king.

"It's not as simple as boulders."

Chen Shijiao's voice was low: "The king-level strike will shatter the sky, just like dropping a nuclear bomb. Look closely, the void has been crushed by ripples. This strike is very terrifying!"


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