Several water ghosts were found and no longer covered.

All let out a roar like a beast.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

He rushed towards Lu Xiaoyuan.

"God said that believers will be—protected!"

Lu Xiaoyuan hurriedly shouted out a few words.

In an instant, a layer of holy light mask appeared.

Those water ghosts rushed up and touched the holy light cover, and their bodies were instantly burned, making a "Zizzizi" sound.

The water ghosts backed away like frightened beasts.

Lu Xiaoyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

But this time.

above the water.

A clump of blood-red hair suddenly stretched out and rolled Lu Xiaoyuan down.

Jiang Che rushed towards the Lotus Lake.

"Xiang Liu!!"

A loud roar.

His body has undergone amazing changes. His calf, forearm, and various joints have dark green scales that are radiant with cold light. A small horn sticks out from the corner of his eyebrows.

Along with Jiang Che's anger.

The whole lotus lake shook suddenly!Huge waves!

Chapter [-] One-shot kill! (Ask for flowers!! Ask for an evaluation ticket!!)

Xiangliu is the minister of Gonggong. Wherever he goes, the water becomes a country, and no grass grows. He is an evil beast that controls water disasters.

Now that the state of Jiuwei and Xiangliu has been added together, coupled with the already tyrannical body, Jiang Che seems to have transformed into a mighty ancient beast. The speed is unimaginable, and within a few breaths, his body has been smashed straight into the lotus. Flower Lake.

A loud 'bang' sound.

The waves splashed more than twenty meters high.

And one into the water.

The dark green scales on Jiang Che's body and the corners of his eyebrows suddenly emitted a faint fluorescence, and the whole person was like an incarnation of a water god.

With a thought, he instantly burst into a terrifying speed in the water, swept toward the center of the lake like a wind and a cloud, causing a series of terrifying waves.

Under the water, many water ghosts looked at each other in dismay.

What the fuck? !

What just flew by?

Central Lake.

The red-haired female water ghost was even more astonished. She had lived in this lake for a hundred years, and with the perennial power infiltrating, this lake had become her domain and was under her control.

And rely on this unique ability.

Although the female water ghost is only half a step in red.

But once an opponent falls into the lake, even a real red-clothed powerhouse.

It should also be carried in the hands of female water ghosts.

But just now.

When she hunted a capable person, she was excitedly planning to swallow her two souls and seven souls and refine her into her own ghost servant.

The female water ghost suddenly found in horror.

His control over the lake was completely ineffective!

And a huge coercion from the species level completely shocked her, and it was very difficult to even move.

It seems that there is a real king in the waters, stepping into this lake! !

And that king, came from bad intentions!


The female water ghost tried her best to let out a roar to break free from the pressure.

She wants to defend her majesty.

At this time, the female water ghost didn't care about the capable person anymore, her hair loosened and turned into countless blood-red steel needles, blocking her in front of her.

She can feel it.

A huge threat is approaching rapidly! !

Lu Xiaoyuan was taken aback.

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