The power of this female ghost is beyond her imagination. Under the red hair, she can't break free at all, and she can't use her abilities. This must be a powerful evil that can also be ranked in the forefront of D+.

She was almost surprised just now that she was dead.

The female ghost suddenly let go of herself.

And her current posture seems to be very panic.

What is this powerful female ghost afraid of?

Lu Xiaoyuan summoned a holy light to wrap around him, and stood half-floating and half-submerged on the lake, with deep doubts in his eyes.


Suddenly, there was a violent sound of breaking water.

Lu Xiaoyuan was startled and looked over.

I saw an exaggerated wave on the lake in the distance, in the shape of a shark fin, blowing more than ten meters high, and swept in at a violent speed.

"Is this a cannonball!"

"Is the person from the Empire's Tianying Bureau here?"

Lu Xiaoyuan's first reaction was that it was a cannonball, because in her impression, it was only a cannonball that could achieve such a powerful speed and have such a violent force.


Suddenly, there was a scream of a shrill woman in the night sky.

The female water ghost looked on in horror, and the giant hammer smashed down, easily crushing all her defenses.

"Covering the mountain!!"

This hammer has the potential to overturn mountains and rivers.

With the blessing of two exotic beast cards, an extremely terrifying power erupted.

A hammer fell.

The female water ghost is almost unable to resist at all.

It turned into a puddle of meat.

Lu Xiaoyuan's mouth was wide open, and her face was cute, completely dumbfounded.

Such a powerful ghost.

Killed by someone? !

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 990 energy."

When the huge waves stop.

A man with blue and azure light flashing all over his body, his eyes shining like electricity, sword eyebrows and star eyes, long horns between his eyebrows, furry white ears on his head, and his limbs covered by lingering dark green scales. , holding a sledgehammer, standing above the water, with a calm expression revealing an aloof, incomparably cold and indifferent.

The pair of fox ears and tails add a bit of cuteness and handsomeness.

This scene.

Lu Xiaoyuan was immediately stunned.

In all fairness.

She is so grown up, and she has never seen such a handsome man before.

When you see that man's face,

Lu Xiaoyuan even had a small star in her eyes, her face blushed, both surprised and surprised.

"Wow, it's Jiang Da!"

Chapter [-] There is another possibility (please ask for flowers! Ask for tickets!)

Lu Xiaoyuan never imagined that this man in a terrifyingly powerful red-clothed shirt who could instantly kill the top half-step with a single hammer was actually Jiang Che.

It was almost the moment he saw Jiang Che's face.

In Lu Xiaoyuan's mind, the plot of an entire romance drama emerged. In this story, the mysterious, powerful and gentle Jiang Che had a series of touching stories with her...


A big hand penetrated the holy light and patted Lu Xiaoyuan twice on the face, pulling her back to reality.

"Are you all right?" Jiang Che looked worried.

Looking at Lu Xiaoyuan's stupid appearance, she thought she had been hooked by a water ghost.

But seeing Jiang Che's face so close, feeling the scorching breath from his mouth, Lu Xiaoyuan's face turned red with a "swipe", as if a thief had been caught, and glanced at Jiang Che quietly.

"Jiang Da, I'm fine."

Lu Xiaoyuan bowed her head shyly.

"Also, Jiang Da, your hands are too strong, and your face hurts."

Jiang Che was immediately embarrassed when he heard this.

I was a little anxious just now, and five red marks appeared directly on the faces of other girls.

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