"Cough~ I'm sorry." In order to hide the embarrassment, Jiang Che coughed dryly and turned to look at the water ghosts under the surrounding lake: "These evil spirits have done a lot of evil, and Jiang will act for the heavens today!"

Water Ghosts: (,,#Д)! ! !

Don't come here!

Seeing the red-haired female ghost boss all die at the hands of this person.

And this man stared at his ghosts again.

All the water ghosts panicked.

All fled in terror.

Jiang Che stepped out one step at a time, independent of the lake, with a dashing figure... and raised his sledgehammer.

"Mountains, rivers and lakes, see me doomed!

Tianchi, earth and sea, I am in danger! ! "

On the ancient horns of Jiang Che's brows, the blazing blue light shone to the extreme.


Hammer down.

Stir up a thousand layers of waves.

The entire lake seemed to be bombed by missiles. The lake water contained a terrifying impact, and all the creatures in it were smashed to pieces.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 260 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 35 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 65 energy."


Jiang Che turned around.

In the midst of the waves, he walked towards Lu Xiaoyuan step by step.

"Go, go back."

There was a calm lake left in this direction. Jiang Che walked on it, as if walking on flat ground. The two of them landed, and the waves behind them slowly fell towards the lake, like an eighteenth-level pouring rainstorm.

Lu Xiaoyuan was dumbfounded.

A hammer blasted a thousand layers of giant waves.

What level of power does this have to be?

Jiang Da is too scary!

But in reality it was just a beautiful misunderstanding.

If Jiang Che really wanted to hit this effect with a hammer, he estimated that with five bronze cards at the same time, he should be able to do it.

Just now that just activated Xiang Liu's ability.

- The power of water disaster.

This evil beast, which created water disasters everywhere in the ancient times, was born with the ability to control the flow of water. He was the most proficient in using water to do evil, and directly formed such a special ability.

Go back to the accommodation building.

Lu Xiaoyuan's expression changed suddenly.

"What about people?"

There was no one in the hallway.

Only Zhao Xin's body is still lying here quietly.

Lu Xiaoyuan wanted to enter the house to check.

Jiang Che shook his head: "Don't look for it, there is no heartbeat of a living person in this whole building, and there is no other bloody smell except for the bodies of Zhao Xin and Yang Dandan."

Hearing this, Lu Xiaoyuan nodded, and then went over to examine the circle of white powder carefully.

In the end, he frowned and came to the conclusion: The Exorcism Array, the Kingdom of Heaven, did not show any signs of being triggered.

"Jiang Da, I arranged the exorcism thing before I left, but I haven't been touched now. There are only two possibilities. Either they walked out on their own, or there was an evil spirit powerful enough to completely ignore my exorcism array."

Lu Xiaoyuan's face was serious.

"To break through this exorcism array, a stronger Specter can do it, but if you ignore it completely and take away the people inside without triggering it, I'm afraid at least the most threatening evil among the red-clothed ones, or even It may be the legendary B-level threat - evil!"

Jiang Che twitched his nose. There was no evil spirit in the air, but a few familiar smells.

"There is a third possibility."

Lu Xiaoyuan was taken aback: "Huh?"

Jiang Che spit out a word with a sullen face: "People."

Lu Xiaoyuan reacted immediately, with an unbelievable look in her eyes.


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