Jiang Che turned around, and the two ran towards another building.

Chapter Thirty-Seven Tiger God's Power! (Begging for flowers! Ask for tickets!)

The building on the other side of the hall is where the staff of the villa live.

When Jiang Che and the others arrived, the building was silent.

Not a single one.

Then the answer is already obvious.

The students were driven into the deep mountains by the people from the villa!

The two looked at each other without saying a word, and ran towards the barren mountain behind.

The footprints of the brigade were especially obvious in such a deep mountain where few people entered. In addition to Jiang Che's current state, his nose was smarter than a dog's, so he could easily find the trail.


the other side.

Deep in the forest, more than [-] people with watermelon knives, machetes, and even a few shotguns, flashlights, and more than [-] people, walked in an abandoned cave.

The detainees were all young faces, and many of them had weeping marks on their faces. There were also a few girls whose voices were hoarse, sobbing silently as they followed the team.

"Ye Liangchen, aren't you very capable, and you still want to engage with Laozi?" Zhou Hua carried a steel rod and walked outside the team, keeping an eye on these students.

Many people glared at him.

As a counselor, he turned his back at a critical moment, escorting his students into the tiger's mouth.

The Ye family's eldest son, facing the other side's villain's face.


Showing a full smile.

"Oh~ Brother Zhou, what you said is serious. I was just joking with you. You have a lot of adults, and the prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach..."

After the call, Zhou Hua was stunned for a moment.

I'm so good?

How good is our relationship?

The originally prepared means are not easy to use.

"Okay, okay, no matter how much you flatter me, I can't let you go."

Immediately, Zhou Hua shook his head and stared at the other students.

It is also fortunate that the owner of the villa is his distant cousin, so he can not be regarded as a sacrifice like these students.

In the face of the watermelon knife and the black hole, Zhou Hua has completely left his future and studies behind.

As his uncle told him.

Now the times have changed, and any bullshit education is useless. From now on, the weak will eat the strong, and those who get on the way of the tiger as soon as possible will be the powerful and powerful in the future.

Imagining a better life in the future.

Zhou Hua is more focused on taking care of these former students.

If anyone walks slowly, he will immediately be pulled up with a steel rod.

And soon.

After passing through a narrow passage that can only accommodate two people.

An astonishingly huge cave appeared in front of everyone. In the center of the cave was an iron coffin. In the coffin lay a fat tiger. The tiger's face was extremely strange. grimace.



Several girls couldn't help crying out.


With a low voice, the temperature in the cave instantly dropped by dozens of degrees.

The owner of the villa who took the lead knelt down with a "swipe",

"Lord Tiger God, please forgive me, these sacrifices do not understand the rules and are rude to you, please forgive me!"

The owner of the villa was wearing a valuable fur coat with a gun in his hand. He was an aura of an underworld big brother outside, but in front of the ghost-faced tiger, he was trembling with fright, and he knelt down when he said kneeling.


A gust of wind smelt bloody.

The ghost-faced tiger rushed over instantly.

The infiltrating ghost face looked down at the villa owner.

"You killed the sacrifice of this god?"

Hearing these gloomy words, the owner of the villa suddenly clapped his head a few times.

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